R'sizer Arcan ☆
10 years ago
The Academic life! Give students knowledge and prep them for the future = Excellent! BUT there is a catch!
R'sizer Arcan ☆
10 years ago
Students who aren't motivated need to be coached more paper work and admin work involved.
R'sizer Arcan ☆
10 years ago
More shit load of paper crap and finally after working in this place for almost 2 years decided that we need to have a more efficient system without implementing them in stages?!!
R'sizer Arcan ☆
10 years ago
Scratch that it's almost 3 years now and in order to be treated as a human in this environoment you have to be a mindless drone.
R'sizer Arcan ☆
10 years ago
Well the good side to this environment it's a good work learning experience. Had a very strange meeting last night and now to let my feels out!