10 years ago
[Art] Okay I know you all have 50000 better options for me than Photoshop--what program should I ink in?
latest #21
10 years ago
or do I need to get a new tablet?
10 years ago
I am frustrated by shaky lines, or having to spend 20 hours to make the lines not shaky.
boop snoot riot
10 years ago
sai or manga studio
10 years ago
call me old fashioned but i like to do my linearting with some ink liners on vellum :'| not sure if that helps
10 years ago
i touch up a rough sketch on PS, make sure all the proportions are right and all. then print it out and put some vellum over it (it's semitransparent) and line away
10 years ago
that way the only stuff you gotta do on Ps is touchups
10 years ago
tbh i find inking digitally to be a pain in the ass even with something like a cintiq
10 years ago
I hear good things about Manga Studio.
10 years ago
As for tablets, Monoprices are hella cheap & have fantastic sensitivity
10 years ago
I think I wept when I switched from PS to Paint Tool Sai. I'm using a small old cintiq, but even with an intuos Sai was tons better than photoshop
10 years ago
I've heard good things about Manga Studio from my friend who publishes a we comic tho. He only uses PS in post production these days
10 years ago
tytaero: what digital programs have you used out of curiosity?
10 years ago
Just Ps
10 years ago
I have an intuos though
10 years ago
I am weeping now...this is all good advice. <333
10 years ago
trust me Ty, I felt the same way bc Photoshop is a bitch to ink in. But we have to remember that's a graphics manipulation program not a paint program.
10 years ago
It does light duty compared to other programs made just for painting.
10 years ago
I'll give it a shot :|a The only other program i've tried is art rage and I wouldnt use that for inking idk
10 years ago
I S2G I screamed aloud when I got into Sai and realized you could rotate the canvas like you would a sheet of paper
10 years ago
And even the default brushes are fantastic for super clean ink work that I could never achieve by hand unless I was working extremely large scale.
10 years ago
And I would KILL for Sai's select/deselect brushes in Photoshop.
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