10 years ago
[HELP] Hey guys, if you know anyone who wants to go to the 1D concert on Aug 7th at Gillette Stadium in Mass I have two tickets for cheap that I need to sell.
latest #8
10 years ago
I got better seats, so I'm selling thee two. They're in the mezzanine, I do believe they're aisle seats, and theyre basically together
10 years ago
I have pdf files, so no need to ship
10 years ago
I bought them for 60-70 a piece and I'm selling them for either face value or even cheaper. Just want them to go to someone instead of being wasted
10 years ago
I can sell them personally or, if they're worried about it, they are up on ebay and stubhub.
10 years ago
Thanks for maybe helping me out, guys.
10 years ago
(It's also posted on tumblr for signal boost please Gillette Stadium - August 7th (TICKETS FOR SALE) )
Lady Ravine
10 years ago
If I hear anything, I'll send then your way <3
10 years ago
Thanks darlingg!
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