10 years ago
latest #28
10 years ago
tot school is focused time with your tot, exposing early learning skills through PLAY
10 years ago
Learning at a young age should be child led and immersed in PLAY. Learning should be fun and exciting, filled with many different experiences
10 years ago
Do not overwhelm the child!! Kids are different.
10 years ago
A little TV/computer is not a bad thing.
10 years ago
None of these skills are skills a tot HAS to learn, they are just skills to be exposed-key word-EXPOSED. Do not feel you need to teach your tot-you really are just playing with a purpose!
10 years ago
The opportunities are endless with just this one toy…. this is why I said you don’t need to go buy new toys-you just need to think deeper and use the ones you already have!!!
10 years ago
STOP when he loses interest. You can try to re-engage with a new addition. But when he’s done-he’s done. Let him wander off, and be done. Forcing Tot School on him isn’t going to do either of you any good
10 years ago
Each day, try to purposefully play with your tot like this-using the same toys if s/he really loves them, or bringing out something different each day
10 years ago
If something doesnt work, hv a back up ready 2 go. Tat’s why we need 2 have 5 in mind when u begin. It is frustrating when ur great tot sch ideas r rejected by ur tot-but don let the frustration last for long
10 years ago
ALL TOTS ARE DIFFERENT, even if the ages are similar. Not everything that works for one will work for another. Don’t let that frustrate you!!!
10 years ago
Don’t try to do this all at once, your tot just needs YOU. Each new thing you add is just a bonus.
10 years ago
remember that your tot needs YOU, not stuff…give your tot purposeful play time with you each day…that’s Tot School!
10 years ago
Montessori: Follow the child. The. Most. Important. Principle. For any age
10 years ago
Montessori: Respect and encourage your child’s absorbent mind and sensitive periods.
10 years ago
Montessori:Allow your child the freedom to explore indoors and outdoors – as long as your child is safe and using the freedom in a positive manner.
10 years ago
Independence and self-directed learning are important concepts/goals of Montessori education.
10 years ago
Montessori: Give your child as many opportunities for hands-on learning as possible. It’s important that your preschooler has concrete, hands-on experiences before learning abstract concepts.
10 years ago
Montessori: Emphasize practical life and sensorial activities in the preschool years.
10 years ago
M: Provide child-size materials wherever possible. Place materials on trays on low shelves, allowing your child the opportunity to choose his or her own work and to repeat activities as often as needed.
10 years ago
M: Don’t interrupt your child’s work cycle. Let your child develop an ever-increasing ability to concentrate.
10 years ago
Competition, tests, rewards, and punishments aren’t necessary. Your child will develop a sense of satisfaction over work well done.
10 years ago
M: Make your child’s environment as orderly and attractive as possible. An orderly environment assists your child in developing mental order and intelligence.
10 years ago
M: Demonstrate how to do an activity. Don’t expect your child to automatically know how to do something or to know the appropriate behavior without having it demonstrated first.
10 years ago
M: When you offer an activity, check that one quality is isolated and there is a control of error whenever possible.
10 years ago
The Montessori phrase “Help me to do it by myself” is probably f most important concept to keep in mind for your toddler. Create an environment that will help your toddler gain as much independence as possible.
10 years ago
If you don't know where to get started with your kids, my first piece of advice is to Keep It Simple
Don't get in over your head or do something you're uncomfortable with or you AND your kids won't have fun.
10 years ago
Toddlers need you to participate in these experiences WITH them.
They're too little to be left alone with art materials.
10 years ago
your child will need some help learning how to keep most of it in the box and may need a gentle reminder if they start throwing it everywhere.
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