10 years ago
Wow, the Plurk app for Android is rather nice.
latest #6
KDFrawg 🐸
10 years ago
I'm sort of just hanging on with a couple of iPhone apps. Most of my plurking is done from the Web site.
PhoneBoy says
10 years ago
The official one?
10 years ago
phoneboy Yes, the official one. The ads are a bummer, but the rest of it is nice.
PhoneBoy says
10 years ago
That's actually something I wonder about Plurk: how is it making money? Is it only ad views?
KDFrawg 🐸
10 years ago
I think it never really has made money. It's a volunteer phenomenon, methinks.
PhoneBoy says
10 years ago
I mean the servers cost money so someone's paying.
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