Ser Pounce
10 years ago
lol found something i forgot abou i did my first blog post ages ago and llast year i took pic and re-editied
latest #7
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
since i never did anything but cropping back then i still love first pic tho so if you dare show me your favourite pic from your blog post
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
pre mesh looks sad now with all stuff poking lol
10 years ago
This is the bigger version of my plurk avi. Absolutely no editing. It's still a fave though cause it was taken at the old House of Munster store
10 years ago
This is my favourite still though I think. It was an early editing attempt.
10 years ago
The first pic doesn't even look pre-mesh! :-D
these two are in the first month of my blogging - I could barely crop never mind ps
and with ears the size of dumbo
the sleeves look very premesh
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