Ser Pounce
10 years ago
loging in to pin but i´ll play
latest #28
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
oh is this supose to be anon?
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i don´t really do anons
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
what´s life forever without cake?
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
seriously who the hell wants to live forever?
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i don´t think most people realize how defenitive forever is
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
means watching the universe slowly expand for a fuckton of time till it´s over and i doubt the boredom would make up for whatever might happen or not
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
so let me have cake
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
penty of times without knowing
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
only a couple of weeks ago i found out a bunch of stuff i had was done with pics from google
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
just makes me sad
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
mind you in sl i think everyone has a bunch of times
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
mostly without knowing i believe people given the knowledge woudln´t tho
10 years ago
Do you ever get tired of pinning events and go "Fuckit, that's enough of this"?
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
loads of times
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
yes yes yes
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
some days i go why the fuck do i bother
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
someday you´re just tired
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
somedays you just feel it´s in vain
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
just normal human feelings
10 years ago
Yup, can totally understand those feelings, and is why I admire your will (stubbornness?) to keep doing it.
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