Ser Pounce
10 years ago
lol and this why blog hits mean shit
Responses disabled for others than plurk poster
latest #334
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
28k hits for 4 months of blogging
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
means that she´s spamming it to reddit
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
and no wonder the lost my panties got so many hits
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
post a lost my panties title blog post to a random pics subeddit mostly filled with rl women pics and sugestive titles and you´re bound to get hits
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
all of them
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
meaning she´s not getting SL hits at all basically
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
so before you ask a blogger how many hits he gets
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
think twice
10 years ago
I dunno, maybe it would interest people in SL? and i know there's an SL subwhatever they are called on reddit
10 years ago
so maybe she's posting there? I personally think it's smart advertizing....and you never know WHO plays
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
she´s not posting it to the sl subreddit
10 years ago
Who is that person? Do you have a link to their flickr? I'm just interested to see what their pics and stuff are like.
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i get a few hits from there
10 years ago
she does post to the SL reddit and gaming ones. so i don't see why her hits aren't legit
10 years ago
the only ones that aren't are in anything goes and if you see only 15 out of her 38 are posted there
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
because she´s not getting tfrom the sl reddit
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
but from a anyhing goes one
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
a post labeled NSFW called lost my panties in a regular rl subreddit
10 years ago
and honestly? what does it matter? she's actively promoting her blog in every way possible. It's a designer's decision whether to give her review copies or not and to check facts out etc
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
she´s not promotting her blog
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
she´s spamming reddit
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
her famous 28k hits are not by sl people
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
people who won´t buy whatever she´s bllogging about
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
she´s a spammer
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
nothing else
10 years ago
Persey: Surely, if a blogger tells you she gets certain Ks hits, you will ask for proof? And when given this screenshot, you can find out how she got this numbers, like Ely just did, and reject the app?
10 years ago
I think blog hits are important, I mean, there's no sense inviting a blogger who is gonna expose your stuff to 10 people over one who is gonna show 100. But I don't think it's that hard to figure out
10 years ago
Designers have the responsibility to understand this too, so it's not always bloggers fault. At least she will be honest when she said her hits are such, even if it's not going to be effective.
10 years ago
whose stats are legit or not. I would be able to tell from that girls flickr that those stats were not.
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
this is where she´s posting stuff AnythingGoesPics: A place to post any pic you desire, that includ... and getting hits from
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
between half dressed rl women she´s baiting for hits
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
along with her name of dolly loli to draw attention
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
10 years ago
not ALL of her hits are from that sub reddit. She posted 15 out of her 38 there. So to say that ALL the hits are from non SLers is false
10 years ago
and why on earth pick apart a blogger? leave her be. She's advertizing her blog or spamming it whatever. it's HER blog and it's up to the designer to research the hits
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
look i´m not picking apart this blogger i care 0 about her
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
her number are a fraud tho
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
and makes all bloggers look bad
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
mos of us don´t cater to rl loli fetish on reddit for hits
10 years ago
I politely disagree.
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
we actually work and present our work to SL people
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
people who will actually buy the stuff and have interest in it
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
she´s fraudelent period
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i doubt the dudes looking for rl loli "i dropped my panties" pics will
10 years ago
I'm guessing they will, actually, if only to get themselves some pixel loli. XD
10 years ago
On a serious note, I actually like her so I may be biased here. But I do find that the responsibility to check for legit stats or not is on designers who even ask for it in the first place.
10 years ago
Cos don't you submit screenshot of hits for proof, otherwise anyone can just pull numbers from thin air and put it on the app. SO. With hits like that, I would look up this place and see what sort of audience.
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
it´s stupid to ask for it in apps tbh
10 years ago
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
anyone can fake stats
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
most blogs who show counters are usually fake btw
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
unless you analyze all the traffic sources you have no idea how the hits are gotten
10 years ago
I learnt how useless this was from one honest Flickr-er. When she declined micro-blogging something, said she would be useless because her Flickr stats are mostly RL people liking her virtual landscapes pics.
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
well anyone who knows marketing knows databases and hits are important
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
but more important are real hits and names from customer/target audience
10 years ago
i actually admire this blogger for looking to new ways of promoting the blog. and i had NO idea who she was before this plurk. point in arguing this any longer <3
10 years ago
on my end i mean
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
it´s why those mailing lists mean nothing unless you´re actually reaching for actual target audiences
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
mind you in understand why someone seeing berry´s blog would be maybe curious
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
here is the thing sure you can advertise sl to non sl peeps but the chances of any of them making an account and logging in are very small when they looking for something interelly diferent and they find these
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
blog posts, let´s say you´re looking for game of thrones gifs and find in the middle a link to a iphone game with a tag that says GoT and a not NSFW title of the Viper
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
now how would you fell? would you go oh nice game
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
or go spammers and return to looking at GoT gifs
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
this sort of issue is avided by a lot of companies because for the 1/2 people it atracts it pisses of way more
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
if for example she was posting these to let´s art or gamming and even actual loli subbredits within a comunity she migth be actually doing a better job at getting SL new users
Nevermore says
10 years ago
From a marketing perpsective good marketing means targetting the proper markets and market segments that are most likely to be interested in your product. I do agree with Ely on this one. Casting too wide a net
Nevermore says
10 years ago
results in numbers yes.. but its primarily empty numbers. It would be fantastic to make the community grow or assist it rather but just like how SL's marketing is not exactly working via facebook.. so is
Nevermore says
10 years ago
casting that wide net to reddit
Nevermore says
10 years ago
A lot of folks don't realize just how much research goes into marketing. As a designer learning about the marketing end of the spectrum.. I'm realizing there is way more to it than I initially thought.
10 years ago
I agree it is not very effective and this particular stats is reaching. But, in saying that, she is the mod for several groups in SL that is the target audience for the style she is blogging for.
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
she spams every group she can on flickr also i have her blocked at least on one event flickr groups
10 years ago
^Ah yes, that would be a problem...
10 years ago
I was talking about inworld group though.
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i´m pretty sure if she spams everywhere out of world she´s probably doing it inworld also
Nevermore says
10 years ago
I'm not going to get into whether or not the person in question is a good egg or bad egg.. lol but I do agree that blog hits shouldn't be a deciding factor. There are numerous ways to pad them artifically and
Nevermore says
10 years ago
as I've stated before in another plurk thread.. it should come down to high quality posts moreso than numbers. =) Good quality posts (even if its someone starting out and showing promise) count in my book much
Nevermore says
10 years ago
further than stuff like numbers. I think it feels more like a symbiotic relationship between the bloggers and designers at that point rather than 1-sided
Nevermore says
10 years ago
Good quality merchandise and good quality posts.. I think both the bloggers and designers will grow and work off one another at that point =D
Nevermore says
10 years ago
The one thing I really have been wanting lately.. is people who want to post my designs because they like them.. the designs are their style etc. It makes them much more passionate about doing blog posts.
Nevermore says
10 years ago
The reason I, as a designer, love SL.. is because I can create what I want as opposed to what someone else tells me to do (like my RL job) I think this carries over with blogging too.
Nevermore says
10 years ago
Bloggers and Designers/events need to really fit one another. This is one of the reasons I think Cursed events really works out so well. The bloggers that get on the team have an interest in the genres being
Nevermore says
10 years ago
represented.. as do the designers.
Nevermore says
10 years ago
ok I gets off da soap box nao.. almost time for lunch hands mic back to Elybeans
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
thanks syn mind you i haven´t made any coments on her blog or pics i don´t wannt to be mean
Ser Pounce is
10 years ago
just a good example on how blog stats are easily manipulated
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
and it just makes me question why other bloggers whould be held up to these artificial standards
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
runatsurine: sorry who are you?
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
sorry who called anyone names?
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
well she´s free to read it i´m public i just never heard of you or seen you my timeline it´s why i asked
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
this is a follow up on a previous plurk i did about events asking for blog stats
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
and how those could be easily faked or adulteraded
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
to inflate a blog´s reach
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
well from what i understand she shared this
Nevermore says
10 years ago
So far, I dont really see anything horrible. I see a bunch of SL community members politely debating a point.
Nevermore says
10 years ago
So far this plurk has not turned ugly. Ely is mostly just trying to make a point related to her other plurk about how relevant stats really are
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i don´t really care who she is tbh i+m not comenting on her blog looks or anything tbh i don´t care for drama i´m more concerned with infllated numbers
10 years ago
This is a relevant conversation to have (e.i. Do blog hit number really indicate a good blogger or not?) I do understand everyone's point of view. & I don't think badly about Doli Loli either. She innovated.
Nevermore says
10 years ago
In fact I made a point not to discuss the person's integrity and in fact have pointed out how the blog stats themselves should not be so heavily weighed as to whether or not the bloggers are accepted
Nevermore says
10 years ago
to an event or to blog a store
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
and this fake idea that blog numbers mater when they are manipulated like this
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
so easily
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
because at the end of the day all of us bloggers end up setting up standards
Nevermore says
10 years ago
I agree with some of the posters here in applauding her efforts to get more exposure for her blog, I just feel that she should research her target markets a bit more so that she can get her blog exposure...
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i don´t reflect myself on this stats at all
Nevermore says
10 years ago
set to the right target markets/people
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
if she spent more time trying to reach more people in her sl niche or even that same niche in rl she would probabbly be way more sucesseful
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
in reaching a more interested audience
Nevermore says
10 years ago
nodnod Agreed. But really to the person who entered this plurk saying we are mudslinging.. that is the extent of our interest in what the girl is doing.
Nevermore says
10 years ago
I think that what should be most important to bloggers is very similar to what should be most important to designers.. that is to say.. always try your best to present your work in the best possible light.
Nevermore says
10 years ago
Always try to learn new things and expand your skill set with each post or creation.. etc =)
Nevermore says
10 years ago
Present your information in a logical manner that is easy for the viewer to read.. and the products in a way that you can tell what they are within the setting
Nevermore says
10 years ago
really these are ideals that are even good for ads.
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i´m sorry but she is a menber of several loli groups groups in sl from what i understand
10 years ago
runatsurine: Lolita Fetish is not offensive, Ely wasn't slamming her for the fetish. She meant her using Reddit Lolita lovers in RL to look at an SL post. Lolita is her target market.
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
see i don´t care about lolita groups but she is clearing targeting rl lolita interestes when her posts are target to specific rl reddits like the one i linked above
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
see that reddit she got so many hits from has mostly sujestive tiitles RL ones
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
when she posts something titled NSFW lost my Panties by Dolly loli on a general subreddit where some of the post next to it are busty beach babes
10 years ago
runatsurine: No one here said it was offensive. -_-
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
sorry you can´t argue that is not sexualized
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
an done to get as much clicks as possible
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
again i don´t care and i´m not gonna sit and judge anyone´s preferences
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i don´t care much about what peeps do in private tbh
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
but i´m not gonna pretend it´s not presented in a sexualized context to get as many hits as possible
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i know pretty much how sex sells more in rl than in sl even anyone here knows if you show a little boob you get more clicks
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
because there is an interest in it and it´s fine i don´t judge that
Nevermore says
10 years ago
let me ask this..
Nevermore says
10 years ago
Runa.. do you know the blogger personally who's stats are posted?
Nevermore says
10 years ago
cause if not, you are coming into a thread kicking and screaming for reasons that you believe are there but are not really.. the primary part of the discussion is something you are COMPLETELY blowing off
Nevermore says
10 years ago
and that is about stats and what aspects of choosing bloggers would be most desirable on applications.
10 years ago
ANYWAY. I'll point out why I think she is still effective, those numbers aside. 1) She puts a lot of work in her post content, it's not just snap pics and credits.
10 years ago
2) She mods and is a member of several group that is in her target market. 3) She hasn't deviate from her Loli style, which means she is niching quite well.
Nevermore says
10 years ago
What I am saying.. is that you are thinking we are attacking her personally and we are not
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
imagine i take pics of my sl mesh dog and then go post it on a subreddit called omg cuteness and call it my new pet
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
how many people will curse me under their breath for that?
Nevermore says
10 years ago
We are using her stats as a basis of discussion as to whether or not stats themselves are relevant
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
people who expected to see an actual RL dog pic
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
someone´s new pet
Nevermore says
10 years ago
Zee, I havent been to her blog but I think that if she is doing hard work with her posts and its presentation, she doesnt need to be posting to extraneous sources that are irrelevant to the post content =)
Nevermore says
10 years ago
And I applaud her for doing well as a blogger in general
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
if she has a niceh and covers it great for her
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
she doesn´t need to do this tho for hits
Nevermore says
10 years ago
Taisynn is the blogger? I only know her a little bit
Nevermore says
10 years ago
but I find her to be a very sweet personality
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
she will get her hits at the end of the day
Nevermore says
10 years ago
that being said.. I think discussions like this is a way of all of us learning from one another.. different ways of thinking
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
niches love their dedicated bloggers
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
they do they will follow them forever really
Nevermore says
10 years ago
oh definiately Ely.. niches seem to develop followings far more quickly than something which is mainstream
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
she has no need to inflate those numbers tho
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
at all
Nevermore says
10 years ago
and they are devoted followings
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
they are
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i didn´t take the pic and i posted on my lunch hour in a rush
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i can change that sec and delete links
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i don´t care about fights
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i do think this is a important discussion tho
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
it´s becoming norm to ask bloggers to say how many hits they have
Nevermore says
10 years ago
I do as well. I know quite a few bloggers who are really devoted to what they do.. who have gotten bypassed because of rules like this
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
and it´s ridiculous
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
and one of the things new bloggers neew to know it´s not important
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
and they don´t have to use ways like this one
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
and others that are out there to get more hits
10 years ago
synjari: She does put in a lot of work in her blog. :-)) It's not my thing at all, but I can acknowledge effort. Though, you guys are right that there is no need to inflate numbers like that.
10 years ago
But I can't help feeling that this is also the product of the latest trend where designers ask for stats and some bloggers are stressing to hit those stats.
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
causing a ridicolous non real idea of stats
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
we´ve talk the other day about bots
Nevermore says
10 years ago
just so you all know.. as a designer I NEVER ask for stats.. I am far more interested in if the blogger's style fits my own.. basically.. would they be a customer of mine if they werent a blogger.
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
and professionalisn
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
and tagging
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
and adding everything to flickr
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
the other day i did a test
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i moved a pic up my flickr pool to see how it affected stats
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i was really amazed how much it did do that
Nevermore says
10 years ago
wow.. so thats how some people manage to get number hits so fast
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
and so many views on flickr
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
since they changed the model the hits also grew
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
because i thinking checking contacts now counts as a view also
10 years ago
synjari: I think it is very recent trend, to ask about stats. I can't be sure, cos I do homeblogging which is in short supply anyway and they don't ask for stats.
Nevermore says
10 years ago
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
there are always workarounds to inflate numbers
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
most of them end up causing saturation tho and anoying more people in the long run than whatever expossere they might get tbh
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
most people for example end up unfollowing people who do that much unless they are designers and don´t push it
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
mind you there are ways of reshowing your pics and work to people who might have missed it
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
in ways that are neither spammier or anoying
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
my favourite is additional content adition
Nevermore says
10 years ago
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
but that means work and doing these workarounds are faster and easier
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
sharing is also a great way to get more exposure
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i love sharing pretty things and thats why i beame a blogger and why i follow so many people
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
specially on flickr and why i love sharing my favourites on plurk and everywhere
Nevermore says
10 years ago
I do hope that people start putting less stock by numbers as decision maker and moreso to content, presentation and relevance =)
Nevermore says
10 years ago
omg yes Shae
Nevermore says
10 years ago
If someone is blogging an item that they bought.. huuuge bonus points because that means they truly like what they are blogging enough to put money behind it.
Nevermore says
10 years ago
it means youre likelier to be blogged regularly too
Nevermore says
10 years ago
^ sooo much that, Shae
Nevermore says
10 years ago
Nevermore says
10 years ago
thats what I love seeing.. people who truly enjoy what I make
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i love bloggers who are just getting strated and show promise
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i have a list of names i check often to see how they are doing
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
but i can garantee i don´t give a shit about blog stats of flickr views it´s all about look, professionalism and how the store stuff looks on you and well you rock it
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
first thing i know chandra always looks for is: can this person represent me
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
you know i don´t go that way personaly
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i have 1000 things i my inventory i never unboxed nad bougth tho i really wanted to blog them
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
mostly due to lack of time or the perfect idea
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i don´t apply to actually blog stuff anymore
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i don´t even blog properly tbh
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i take snaps when i can and credit stuff but i don´t even tag them anymore
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
or add slurls
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i still spend way much time on pics than i usd to
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
you get way more hard on yourself the longer you blog i think
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
and it becomes easier to just trash something that is not working
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
seriously blogging is hard work and it takes a lot of time
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
most the time is the issue depending on how you do it
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
it´s just not snap pic done let´s go party
10 years ago
Yeah, what Shae said. The more 'sponsors' a blogger has on her page, the more wary I am, especially if they only blog once a week. It can feel like work.
10 years ago
I only blog regularly for 4 brands and their releases are stacked on top of each other, imagine 10 or more!
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
GADDDDDD sponsors i hate that word
10 years ago
About posting in usual places as a recruitment tool to SL. Would you think posting for 2 years in a place with 3D Hobbyists making lots of renders would drum up interest in SL? Afterall, SL is faster & Cheaper?
10 years ago
Nope. I get only 5 hits a week from this source, and none of my old buddies made the jump to SL
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
BishieStyleSL: i think it depends on what type of blog posts
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
they would have to be very specifc to get them interested
10 years ago
ElyHynes: All of them.
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
not just your usual fashion post
10 years ago
People who followed me before, I was doing Bishie. Doing Bishie now too. None of them would switch
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
because they probably just ignore all post now since they didn´t really got interested in first tbh
10 years ago
When I get a nice mesh body and mesh head for SL, I think that will be game changer. They will be ditching $2000 a month for 3d for SL then
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
you should try maybe furniture
Nevermore says
10 years ago
Honestly, there is an extra step I do for folks I dont know.. if they havent blogged me.. I check in my vendor web panel history if they ever purchased from me at the very least.
10 years ago
ElyHynes: furniture?
Nevermore says
10 years ago
It does hold a bit more weight for me if they love the brand or at least the brand's style. If I see blog posts with similar or comparable items to my style.. I know itll be a pretty good fit.
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
mind you when promoting SL outside is very complicated specially to other creative online communities
Nevermore says
10 years ago
but Im with you also on the professionalism and promise, Ely.. those are equally as important to me
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
skyrim mods are not very fond of sl creators
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
neither are a lot of renderosity creatives
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
and unless we work on our communities reputation in general
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
community even
10 years ago
ElyHynes: Yes. They can't stay haters for much longer. Cyber Warz will change eveyrthing
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
we´re hardly well recieved
10 years ago
ElyHynes: There is always a trend of progress. 3d Models used to be extremely expensive. Then slowly innovations happen. Software price goes down. Easier to learn. Price of models go down.
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
don´t forget 3d printing
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
seriously that will change a lot in the future
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
and i mean a lot
10 years ago
ElyHynes: When HyFY, Yahoo Virtual, Apple Virutal, Google Virtual etc all go online, the pressure to bring down cost will mount. There will be more consumers, so it's ok. The market wil boom, imho
10 years ago
ElyHynes: They can 3D print a house already
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
and hopefully laws won´t take forever to catch up
10 years ago
I saw a 3d print dress. XD it dont look too conformable. lol But Iron Man movie he wore 3d print armor
10 years ago
My point is, yeah SL was successfully trashed in the mainstream. But that doesn't mean progress had been stopped. Instead it left SL alone to finetune virtual worlds. SL is ahead of the pack of new rivials.
10 years ago
HyFy I think will fix all that was wrong in the old code. But time will tell who will win the Cyber War
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
aww silly wars
10 years ago
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
pew pew pew back
10 years ago
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
aww grumpy cat my animal spirit
10 years ago
I tried to find you a grumpy cat pew pew pew, but grumpy dont do pew pew pew
10 years ago
10 years ago
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
grumpy doesn´t do pew pew pew at all
10 years ago
ElyHynes: Me too, that was why the word was in airbunnies quote. "Sponsors" (LOL)
10 years ago
omg love the badass lazerz pic.. sharing!
Nevermore says
10 years ago
Im very glad that you're getting good results from it Taisynn. Seriously.. if youre doing help to grow the community then sure keep doing as yer doing =) but if you didnt get those results then it would just
Nevermore says
10 years ago
mean adjusting the marketing angle =)
Nevermore says
10 years ago
also glad that you're being proactive with the pervvy ones that latched onto ya ;-)
Nevermore says
10 years ago
mind you, you're trying to be responsible in how yer doing it which is cool.. but there are others out there that do tricks to pad their numbers.. so going back to the intial point Ely was trying to say..
Nevermore says
10 years ago
You should be chosen as a blogger on merit of your work quality.. ethics, etc and not because your numbers are x amt
Nevermore says
10 years ago
Nevermore says
10 years ago
because then others (and Im not trying to lump you into this category) may get unfairly chosen as a blogger but may be a bit of a deadbeat in the actual blog posts, over someone else who may work hard.
FrozenRage wonders
10 years ago
why so many people think they have a need to bash someone or start drama.... does it make them feel better?
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
Taisynn: i have no issues removing a image when asked it´s now done
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
tho i think it might have fallen under fair use or the agumennt a screenshot isin´t really your ip
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i also don´t think you either understand the concept of scapegoat and no no matter what your pp says there´s no slander happening
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
FrozenRage: empty accounts made today to come in and make passive agressive comments get blocked sorry next time try at least using your sl name
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
i´m gonna lock this plurk tbh it was made days ago and nothing was added to conversation really and i have 0 patience when sockpuppet accounts show up
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