Ser Pounce
10 years ago
Still waiting for someone to make a mechanical horse or a elephant clock
latest #14
10 years ago
....did not read that as "clock".....thought you were into some kinky shit.
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
DistortedDreams: you perv
10 years ago
10 years ago
I just made an elephant necklace pendant...I'm sure I can add on a piece between it's legs for ya. :-P
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
no thanks i´m good
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
mind you i´m constantly mispelling stuff so i take back calling you a perv
10 years ago
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
put a necklace on her crotch
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
now i´m fancy
10 years ago
fancy elephant crotch lady.
10 years ago
<-- who also read it wrong at first. So what is an Elephant clock?
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
run by water and amazing
10 years ago
Whoa. I have never seen something like that before. oO  Where is the time part?
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