when you squeeze a zit and get the 'root'
ugh you are like the only person i can share this catharsis with
like it's gross as hell but whenever i have huge ugly zits i'm always like YAY I GET TO POP IT IT WILL BE SO SATISFYING
there was a zit on my leg that I accidentally popped by scratching it
i had this enormous whitehead on the back of my thigh once?? and I didn't notice it because it was in a weird place but i was itching and it hurt when I touched it
so I sat down and was like "dafuq-- OH HAI"
sucker left a little hole in my leg for like two days i was so pleased
okay you wanna know something really gross
I really enjoy those youtube videos that are like
I've always figured it's satisfying because it's an act of purification
or just lancing boils in general
I CAN'T DO IT OFTEN 'CAUSE A LOT OF THOSE VIDEOS ARE ACTUALLY GROSS and i can only handle blood sometimes or it freaks me out but
like... intellectually I know that there are other ways to deal with zits?
but on a visceral level it's yes look at that nasty that was inside my body and now it's not
I get the same feeling when, like
a mosquito is biting me, and then I slap it and MY OWN BLOOD is on the outside
that one I've come to understand is odd tho