(she is Actually A Werewolf and you can see the ears from the front)
forsaken world! a free mmo
still not 100% on that name
Kosica is a super cute name
--dfklsjdg RIGHT AS I SAY THAT
if u don't use it I might
bendi is... kinda close to bendy
I want friends to play with c:
stonemen are the only monogender race
though only one of their classes is vampire
ivacia is my kindred vamp and she is a fucking queen
I was surprised that only dwarves could be marksmen but then I realized that that's because they're guns, not bows
yes! there are no archers
there's no ingame alliance vs horde thing
there IS pvp but it's optional
the skill trees reminds me of old RO
honestly I just enjoy exploring and picking flowers
that's a fair point, how much is there to do in-world aside from fighting/collection quests, because you find those in every single game
grinding is quest-based rather than kill the monster based, though there are plenty of twenty-bear-asses quests
botanist and alchemist go hand in hand, obvs
also your levels up to about 30 are basically handed to you
you get a free land mount and a free sky mount
(a ram and a barrel covered in balloons)
also I tend to make my characters brown but there are tons of non-human skin color options too
a barrel covered in balloons
yeah I'm not exaggerating
I spent... more Real Money than I'm comfortable admitting to get a boss gold dragon mount for locris, my main
but you don't strictly need to do that
off the top of my head there's nothing essential you need to pay to do
it's worth it to farm up big stacks of stuff to sell
there's a player-player currency as well as a player-game currency
which SEEMS to keep inflation down
okay it HELPS to buy inventory and bank extensions, which do cost money, but it's not 100% necessary
yeah gw2 is the same re: bank extensions
how many character slots do you get?
(said boss dragon)
wow that's a crap screenie
so you can have one of each race plus two extra if you like
it's worth checking out their stories imo
it has plenty of lore! you just
have to kinda scratch to get it
the entire wiki is broken
they switched locations recently and EVERY link to the old page gets you redirected
my advice is to give it a shot and if you find it boring as fuck then uninstall \o/ I'd love to play with you but my feelings wouldn't be hurt
I will look into it soon
!! I don't know if I'm staying over at my bf's this weekend so I'd hate to get it and then immediately not play for a while
because that pretty much guarantees that I'll wander away from it instantly
with my attention span
so KEEP PLURKING ABOUT THIS THING and remind me to try to get it next week, assuming I stay over