everyone can I choose everyone?
lmao I am trying to pick even 3 and it is impossible
lbr that's what it stands for
but seriously uh, give me Ghastek for sure
Why I picked them up: LMFAO literally it was the scene where he was making the vampires knit
to prove that he was still awesome
that completely sold me on him
knitting vampires is my favorite
his username should be knittingwithvampires
yes!!! and I just love that he's so
like, his interactions with Kate are always A++
best trait: he's a badass necromancer, and I like how he's so reserved
worst trait: what a self-absorbed, egotistical jackass
most difficult thing: haven't really played him that much tbh!
why i picked them up: he's an international werewolf jewel thief
he's also kind of a self-absorbed man baby who is very big on the Finer Things in Life aka GQMFering
I like that he's a self-centered asshole who keeps getting like
dragged in for Boy Scout Adventures even though he'd really rather not
Best traits: he is extremely loyal to the people he cares about
worst traits: he cares about three people total, and one of them is him
most difficult thing: besides spelling his username correctly
"one of them is him" help
he's a snob but not super pretentious about it? it's hard sometimes to keep that line separated I guess
Why I picked them up: FOR SQUAREWARTS !!!!!
squarewarts was a Harry Potter AU game, and we had an awesome cast of anne's jim and fei's spock and i was like GOTTA GET ON THIS
Bones, for the record, was sorted Hufflepuff
Best traits: he's extremely loyal (apparently I like loyal dudes idk) and he has a ton of compassion for people
difficult thing: getting the Southern right without resorting to typing ridiculous accent markers
Leonard "Mother Hen" McCoy
he could probably kill any buzz within a 20 mile radius as well
(is the gender swapped version of Marco, Marci? )
um there is going to be now
...Marco as a girl is a terrifying but amazing though
all of the animorphs genderswapped.
Why I picked them up: LMFAO so someone at CS (idr who it was 8( ) was like HEY
so I canon reviewed for Rachel and was like
no, I am clearly going to play Marco
because Sass and Pop Culture references and Being a Jackass
LOLOLOL and I am so glad you decided to play him because you play the perfect Marco.
akjskdl thank you!!! LMFAO I am glad I didn't try for Rachel I would have
best traits: it's super wrong to say he stays positive, but Marco makes an honest attempt to never let shit get him down?
like he's not optimistic by any stretch of the imagination, but he's awesome at like
(idk man, I could totally see you pulling her off too)
getting over things and pressing forward
and the best friend devotion he has to jake is amazing
like, he almost never questions him
and jake pulls some shady shit throughout the series and idk I was like uguu bestfriend loyalty 8(
worst traits: insensitive jackass
with an emphasis on insensitive
like, ridiculously, ridiculously insensitive
he left his stepmother to die
over a hunch, basically like
a hunch which honestly I don't think was true
pretty horrified that a 15 year old made that judgment call nbd
even though he knows his dad loved her?
I love Marco but man that was so messed up
marco is the ruthless guy in terms of tactics
I do feel like it's one of those things that would stay with him forever even if he chose to be in denial about it forever
like, he's the one that is always looking at the easiest, most pragmatic way to do things
which is good for winning a war when you're ridiculously outnumbered, but not good for helping you sleep at night
yeah like, I think marco's ending kind of reflects that he does not have... a lot of substance? to live for
yeah, I got that too. I have a hard time believing he's genuinely ok.
right like he has Sad Clown complex sooooooooo damn bad
Technically he (and sort of Cassie) are the ones who got a happy ending but he just feels so
and the fact that he basically just
rolls his eyes and is like okay fine suicide mission
jake's really the only person he has? after the end
Like if he'd been happy, I think he still would have gone because of his undying loyalty to Jake
he would've bitched way more though lol
that is marco's favorite thing to do :'|
but the fact that he gave in even before he really understood
hardest thing about playing him: he's like
I know you could probably say this about every character but I really feel like Rachel and Marco won the war for them in some ways
because without them, there was no one to like
support or make those nasty person calls
jake towards the end grew into that roll
but it was marco and rachel that kind of
made him see reality in a lot of areas?
cassie lived on super happy sunshine cloud
anyway oops I keep cutting off your meme answers LOL
also we should figure out a way
to get them closer to being a ship :|a
I was actually about to say that
besides marco's rugged unicorn form
about that current thread
i think he still thinks he was in love with her
but I was gonna say, we should have a log where they go flying together
did he get back his raptor morph?
yes I've decided his two morphs are osprey and trout
well I guess he does have a unicorn for battle now so
They need to hang out. I want an excuse for them to have to spend time together.
but there's no more alcohol
have a morphing party in the woods
or something since they might not know what morphs they have?
lmfao they can make a check list or something
gdi it's between flea and trout
I vaguely considered a fish but
Rachel would never give up the grizzly for a fish
LOL Marco morphs fish and she morphs grizzly
OH WOW it just occurred to me
she's been living with her mortal wound scar for a few months now
where before she was used to scars all disappearing
so now the first time she morphs, it'll disappear
this is going to give her mixed feelings
I kind of want her to show up at Marco's in the middle of the night just being like
I'm dead right. I am dead.
you got smacked to death by a polar bear
watch her pull her shirt down
LMFAO rachel you picked the worst person
to have a personal revelation with
no this is why he's the best person
cause he'll make some stupid joke
telepathically summon cassie
and then she'll smack him and not think about death and terrible things anymore
going afk but we should plot things later!