tomorrow is??? apparently the last day of the semester? and ive spent the last two weeks sick and incapable of doing anything
and now im fucking terrified i will be expelled
and i dont know what to do
ive messaged my prof but she's offline already and i guess the best she will have to tell me is the ~inspirational story~ of how SHE had to run after her profs begging to let her take the exams while sick
which... i guess means that i fucked up. i fucked up too bad and i dont know what know
probably give up, on account of being an irredemable piece of trash and as punishment for not being able to do everything right this semester
i dont know what to do. i honestly dont and im so scared
hah, maybe i SHOULD give up and quit. waste the money my parents spent to pay for this fucking semester. maybe i was never meant to get into university at all
maybe i should just. deal with it. try to--hah who am i kidding, i wont be able to find a job either
of course my parents' first response is "well you spent two weeks sitting at home, and now you're crying?"