10 years ago
[also meme] the "the last character you tagged with is the protag of the last game you played" one. im technically late to this but what i want to say is
latest #15
10 years ago
satsuki and mass effect
10 years ago
commander kiryuuin
10 years ago
this is all i never suspected i wanted
10 years ago
(ok technically the last game i played is bioshock infinite but i dont want to count it because i cant imagine satsuki as booker anyway and i havent even finished the game yet)
10 years ago
but anyway commander kiryuuin. she's definitely a biotic and probably uses sniper rifles as well because they are elegant and fuck classes restrictions anyway
10 years ago
nonon and sanageyama are her ashley and kaidan, except less boring and xenophobic. also nonon is like... ashley and liara and sanageyama is kaidan and james
10 years ago
(satsuki has to punch him and give him a shrink talk before he finally acknowledges her superiority)
10 years ago
gamagoori...... is a turian. this is one thing i am 1000% certain on in this weird crossover
10 years ago
he's probably like. garrus. except still mostly super devoted to authorized fighting crime, probably. he and satsuki still take flint (or whatever other npc) down together
10 years ago
but he's still like "i cannot acknowledge your methods" and satsuki probably throws him around with biotics for a bit and then he happily joins the normandy crew
10 years ago
(he's still super embarrassing and yells things like EVERYBODY STAND YOU ARE IN THE PRESENCE OF COMMANDER KIRYUUIN!!!)
10 years ago
inumuta...... probably plays the role of tali tbh. except instead of arranging a meeting with the shadow broker he decides to hack into his network himself lolololol
10 years ago
(or maybe he tries to steal something from satsuki's ship and goes "lmao yeah quarians amirite? haha" when caught and she still recruits him for his skill)
10 years ago
ragyo is probably both saren and udina. she's the human councilor but indoctrinated and full of reaper tech, except of course nobody suspects that until too late
10 years ago
(there is still some rogue spectre stand-in but they're mostly there for the sake of getting satsuki to become the first human spectre. ragyo is the final boss)
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