Event-wise, I was wondering if Traveler should be cursed or not. At first I was like 'well who would notice if she acted strangely, also who would even hug her?' but the whole protectiveness
and at first I was like 'well it'd just be towards Alice though and she might not be around that much -' but then wait, if she thinks everyone 'cursed' is part of her extended family...
also terrible things I thought of and then realized a moment later would be worse: I was like 'what sea creature could Traveler turn into' and then I thought shark and then i remembered that 'swarm of animals'
im torn like the greenland shark is really slow but it's a. in deep water b. in cold water c. toxic flesh??? d. apparently has little parasites stick to it around its eyes that give off bioluminescence???
blue sharks school and apparently stay separate by sex or something?? :/a also thresher sharks are fast and have that big ol' tail but they're not as scary as other sharks imo