Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
Okay so question. Someone I used to know in the past in SL has just returned and is starting to become friends with people I know (Who are lovely people let me just add). And this person from my past is well,
latest #30
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
trouble. I know she's done awful things and hurt a lot of people and I have chat logs to prove it and I feel like I should warn them but I don't want to cause drama but of course it will do. What would people
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
suggest I do? Say nothing and just let them get screwed over, or do something and cause problems?
10 years ago
Did they ask you about this person? If not, then it's not your place to interject your views. They may have changed in that time away.
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
JoslynAmeliaMcKenzieLyci...: That's true, but they've left and come back several times before and they never seem to change but thinking about it they might have done this time :-)
ʚ ninja fawn
10 years ago
Your experience with one person is not the same as everyone else, and i'm sure this person has some things to say about you as well.
10 years ago
I've been in this situation before with someone who literally tried to rip apart the people around me and they had done it to many others. Theres a chance that they might do it again and a chance that they've
10 years ago
changed, sometimes you just never know and it is a genuinely hard decision to make, as to warn people or not. Sometimes people get upset when you try to warn them even if it is coming from a very good place
Riley/Bella ❤ says
10 years ago
Sadly, you gotta ignore it. Unless they come and ask for your advice. :-( Sucks when people hurt those we know and we can't do much.
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
Cupcake_Kle: Yeah I think I will do, people do change like Honey said and I would feel awful if I caused problems for this person especially if they've changed, thats just not fair :/
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
lisforlauren: Thats true, it isn't easy and theres a chance they might not listen or believe me too and then the friendship is ruined :/
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
BellaRiley: Yeah it does :-( (cozy)
10 years ago
Go with your gut and do what feels right. We can all sit here and give you opinons, views, etc but only you know the right decision for your situation. A real friend will take the advice, if you chose to give
10 years ago
it with a grain of salt. There are people I wish I had been warned about at one time or another lol
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
Kricket_Calamity: Thats true, but I know it's not just me because several people have said stuff, and I'm not too fussed about what they have to say about me, it's more I don't want this person to get hurt :-(
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
lisforlauren: Yeah recently I've been thinking that too, there are a few people who caused problems for me and then afterwards people turned round and said 'Yeah they were always trouble, I considered wanring
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
warning* you but I didn't want to upset you,' and I wasn't mad at them but I did kinda wish they'd told me,
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
Too much thinking to do
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
Kricket_Calamity: That's true, it's just if I could protect them :/
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
Thanks everyone for the input, this does really help<3
10 years ago
I suspect I know who you are talking about. Personally I would say to leave it alone.
10 years ago
You said to me yourself that you prefer to find out about someone yourself rather than judge them based on what others have said. I would just be there for your friend when and if she needs you.
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
NancyChatterbox: Thats true but I've also had some problems with people lately and then afterwards people turned round and told me they knew that would happen and I wish they'd warned me from the start, even
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
if I had kept them in my life, I would have been more cautious, at least if I'd seen chat logs and proof, and yeah I don't think I'll say anything UNLESS they ask directly about this person :/
Simply V says
10 years ago
I think that until she shows herself to be what she is in your mind it is unfair to make judgement. Sometimes people change, they grow. We have to let them unless they prove otherwise.
Simply V says
10 years ago
The I told you so sucks but I know from experience, I've missed out on good things because someone did the "favor" of warning someone about me.
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
royalcupcake: I'm sorry that happening (cozy) And yeah, I just hope she has changed
10 years ago
Awwwhugs maybe Sesser Let it be if she hasn't changed she will do it again and sadly people will get hurt but it's really nothing you can do until they come and confront you. Hugs
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