training my replacement + 2 interns. My boss just went on a cruise. My sidekick is working on another project for now. The last technical person on my team has burned out and is taking all of June off. And...
I'm still working on renovations on the house daily trying to get it all done by June 1st.
And I'm totally sweating the whole border thing. I've somehow got to convince them that I'm just visiting...
AND my replacement can't even send an email without me verifying it's good. WTF man. Man up!
I guess tell your guy you will stop proof reading his email
haha yeah...I'm making him move to a desk across the room. Told him it was time to put on his big boy panties.
Ps. You have to convince them you are only there to visit?
yep which should be fine consiering you're flying
Tricking them? He can't get in legally forever?
no.. you can't jsut go into the states and never come back out. you eventally get deported, lol
you have 6 months as a canadian going into the states
same forthe other way around
Well Yeah, bit you lived there for a couple years. Also...Brad was married in Canada! Doesn't that kinda make him legal there?
Wasn't that the point of getting married there? I'm confused.
Hah I wish. It doesn't matter where. You can get married anywhere. Even china. Haha. It doesn't do anything for your status in that country
we got married there because her mom demanded it.
we were going to do a beach wedding here before all that happened.
I still want a beach wedding!
Lol, do it with your next husband once I'm in the dirt.
Aug 16 17 or Aug 23 24 girl's cottage art weekend . Choose a weekend. BOOK IT.