10 years ago
Well, I have returned Plurk. I promised I would not until I got Alex's tags done put I woke up this morning to see a new friend on my list and a notif from DW stating said new friend bought me a paid, so. Yeah.
latest #10
10 years ago
10 years ago
First things first, I need to do some canon review or some tumblr trawling for inspiration. I've got tags, outstandings tags, and super outstanding tags.
10 years ago
At the top of the list are my two Alex tags, which are both super fantastic (especially that one to Andy, wow) but super outstanding b/c every time I sit down to write my brain draws a blank.
camille ★
10 years ago
Take your time! And that is how I felt about yours when they were in my inbox
10 years ago
AH DON'T TELL ME THAT tell me to get my butt in gear :\
10 years ago
Also, I meant to ask, do you have any Alex fics/musicvids/whatever that I could go read/watch for inspiration? Because I seriously want to get back in the game when it comes to your boy.
camille ★
10 years ago
NOOO take your time, because I'm slow too
camille ★
10 years ago
I just have some clips/trailer stuff, I haven't searched out fics or fanvids :|a
camille ★
10 years ago
Lemme get them in a paste.plurk
camille ★
10 years ago
Ha failure. I can't get past plurk to work, I'll just PP the links
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