10 years ago
[FR] My first coatl nest - TG, all for sale. |D
latest #36
10 years ago
10 years ago
m, soil, white, white
10 years ago
10 years ago
m/soil, maize, grey
10 years ago
10 years ago
m/brown, platinum, ice
avg price for the gene combo seems to be about 75K - will do 50k for plurkfriends
they threw me the one combo I didn't really want to see - maize/grey
Seems to be the way of snakekittens
yep. I might replace one half of the original pair. :|a
but this guy?
Metolius is absolutely gorgeous and I love him.
Him, I might keep forever.
Oh, he's lovely!
Isn't he? I fell in love with him the first time I saw him.
once my babies sell, I'll find another girl for him.
... and then maybe buy a couple male dragons because my lair is full of girls.
I have some girlies in the AH. I don't know if any of them appeal to you?
I think I have them for 160 gems but.. eh. I wouldn't do that to you if you're interested. lol
oh that dark girl is LOVELY.
Blood clown/shadow stripes/carmine
I really like her - how much would you take for her?
(I don't have gems - I sold most all of them, so it would have to be treasure)
Treasure is fine. I only really threw her up for gems to see if anyone would bite. lol I'm never quite sure how the FR market runs some days.
Or whatever sounds reasonable to you. Make me an offer. lol
I am a horrible negotiator.
that works!
Awesome. :-)
There is a CR for you. :-)
Thank you :-D
And thank you!
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