Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
[Insert interesting post]
latest #11
Little Sunshine says
10 years ago
[insert clever and witty reply]
Anwenn Stirling
10 years ago
[insert devastating smart-assed retort]
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
[insert completely irrelevant comment that makes no sense]
Anwenn Stirling
10 years ago
[insert touching emoticon that makes you feel better]
[insert similar emoticon]
Tiffy Concordia
10 years ago
[inserts a what the hell are u all talking about]
Anwenn Stirling
10 years ago
[insert three post rant that explains in excruciating detail]
Anwenn Stirling
10 years ago
[what exactly it is that we're talking about]
Anwenn Stirling
10 years ago
[and why]
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
[insert laughing emoticon because I have no idea whats going on but want to feel a part of it]
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