10 years ago
Oh great. Apparently I can't hook up my ps2 to any tv in the house because of cable boxes.
latest #9
10 years ago
So no computer, no ps2, and the wifi is shit despite being full strength.
10 years ago
I forgot these were reasons I hated coming home.
damn giraffe
10 years ago
Owch. :/ Uh, you may be able to finagle a thing with the PS2, if there's a splitter or something you could do. Alternately, unscrewing the cable box's coax to screw in the PS2's and fixing it when you finish.
damn giraffe
10 years ago
Hopefully your computer gets there soon!
10 years ago
Bummer dude. What about farmer markets?
10 years ago
I got the ps2 working! The left stick is stuck going upwards if you leave it be, but it hasn't really hindered me much while playing katamari.
10 years ago
There's a farmer's market the next town over on saturdays, I believe...? I'll have to doublecheck with mum.
10 years ago
damn giraffe
10 years ago
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