Silas's I'm going to get out of the way right now because it's really easy:
Forseti. His Wonder is Glitnir, the mythological home of Forseti.
...And the hall of justice, I might add. His Knight weapon is actually a Justice-esque scale to take the motif and run with it.
"His is the best of courts; all those who come before him leave reconciled." One of Silas's Big Character Traits is that he's a mediator and the straight man (unless he's in the absurd situation himself).
...Wikipedia says that the only thing associating Forseti with justice is his name, but since the whole mediating thing is attested to in the Prose Edda, I'll take it.
Oh, while I'm here, I should probably establish Silas's arcana, too... -goes to look at the list-
Fool looks good... I'm a little reluctant to take Justice on because it's so one-sided, but it might be the best option... OH STRENGTH IS ALSO REALLY GOOD
Yeah, Strength is what I'm going for. Would his Persona be intel or combat? I'm almost kind of leaning towards intel because A. I don't know what his elemental affinities are and B. it fits his theme more.
Alright, moving on! Luca/Megrez is proving significantly harder. I'm going to look for legendary birds because A. birds hatch from eggs B. it goes with the Purger I wrote her.
"According to the epic, when Garuda first burst forth from his egg, he appeared as a raging inferno equal to the cosmic conflagration that consumes the world at the end of every age."
WHOOPS that is uncannily similar to what happens in Megrez's Purger, where a big black bird hatches out of the egg and kills a LOT bad stuff.
-puts Garuda in the Yes pile-
...I really shouldn't let laziness take me over but nothing else is pinging me but Garuda.
Nope. Garuda it is. No idea what'd be her Ultimate Persona either. Kinnara, maybe? Bleh, it depends.
Now for Luca's arcana... magician? Chariot? Star...? Wow. Luca is really giving me a hard time with this. =3= At least I can say her Persona would definitely be combat.
Uhhh I guess I'll go with Magician because it's the best fit out of the three. I know we've got quite a few Chariot arcana folks in Moonshop, though...
Okay brain starting to collapse a bit maybe I should do something else while I try to figure out WTF to do for the quest characters. Or maybe I'll just skip them for now.
...This is gonna be another Fire/Physical Persona isn't it. Come ooooooon.