my brother keeps calling me fat????
most of me is "you don't have to tell me what i know fuck off"
a very tiny logical part of me is saying "no you're fine"
but that tiny logical part is just idk how long it's going to last if this goes on
especially now that it's summer and i can't hide
but i don't want to go back down there i don't want to go back to purging
lol i'd purge and then feel like shit for doing it because i was wasting food but ppl were making me eat
but i didn't want it bc i didn't want to get fatter
i cant deal with it especially not today when i tried on a cheongsam and it was way too tight bc my ass and thighs are too big
i especially cant deal with this at my parents bc everyone else is telling me to eat more bc im too skinny
so then i just end up purging more and feeling even shittier and then snacking all night
alternatively, alcohol which IS EVEN WORSE