The Robot Nika
10 years ago
just submitted the little one's first story to a second agent. And if she shoots us down, we soldier on.
latest #23
10 years ago
That's the spirit! Keep going!
Magda K
10 years ago
Ceejay Writer
10 years ago
THAT'S how you rock it! This will take time. It's a process for soldiers. It's why I call it the Query Wars.
Ceejay Writer
10 years ago
An agent can take a long time to respond - I got a rejection yesterday, a month after submitting it. Keep going! No need to wait for this one's reply.
The Robot Nika
10 years ago
It's ok not to wait for a response?
Ceejay Writer
10 years ago
Oh heck yes. You are querying, not making any commitment. I've still got 20-ish queries hanging out there.
Ceejay Writer
10 years ago
It's good manners to drop them all a note someday when you do get representation, but it's fully expected that you are making the rounds.
The Robot Nika
10 years ago
Yayyyy! Then it's time to load the gumballs!
Ceejay Writer
10 years ago
WOOO! That's why I use QueryTracker | Free Database of Literary Agents and Publishers. To keep organized on who I've queried and their eventual responses.
Ceejay Writer
10 years ago
Am about to add a few other agent listing services too, so I can keep going. Welcome to the Query Wars, little on.
Magda K
10 years ago
When you're submitting to publishers, you should pay attention to whether they allow multiple submissions of material. But for agents ... have at until someone says yes!
Ceejay Writer
10 years ago
One caution about querying publishers - if you do get an agent one day, then they will not be able to approach that publisher with your novel, since you already did. I'm being very cautious about going there.
Ceejay Writer
10 years ago
An agent may have a better foot in the door to them. But yeah... agents? QUERY MIGHTILY!
10 years ago
(cozy) Big steps for a little one. Courage to you.
Stereo Nacht
10 years ago
Ceejay Writer
10 years ago
The Robot Nika
10 years ago
Brave? The little one and I know not this bravery of which you speak :-).
Ceejay Writer
10 years ago
You don't always know what you have.
The Robot Nika
10 years ago
A princess with a clockwork key that has a rifle that shoots bubble-gum ... and has a horrendous deadly chocolate fetish?
The Robot Nika
10 years ago
I love you, Miss Writer.
The Robot Nika
10 years ago
I love all of you.
Magda K
10 years ago
Ceejay Writer
10 years ago
And we love you. And we love the little one. She may have a long road to walk, but she's got company on the journey.
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