aquariandy says
10 years ago
You don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when. You can only decide how you're going to live, now. - Joan Chandos Baez
latest #8
mpuz says
10 years ago
Ayah Kak Sheza says
10 years ago
mpuz: there's this thing called "failed suicide attempt"
mpuz says
10 years ago
aquariandy says
10 years ago
listen to the expert..
mpuz says
10 years ago
By expert do you mean someone who has gone through such (failed) experience?
aquariandy says
10 years ago
I'm not saying... (ninja)
Ayah Kak Sheza says
10 years ago
someone who always failing isn't suited to be an expert, if (s)he succeed at least once, (s)he wouldn't be able to answer.
aquariandy says
10 years ago
such an explanation...
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