barknknit is
10 years ago
so excited for this weekend! 5 days until DH and I go on our first weekend away since having kids.... honestly even before that! We haven't had a vacation that didn't involve his family in more than 6 years!
latest #9
barknknit says
10 years ago
I'm a little nervous about the girls being away from us but 2 of my sisters are staying at the house with them and my other sister lives across the street! I'm sure they will be fine!
tgknits says
10 years ago
barknknit says
10 years ago
ON another note, need to plan out my travel crafting. I'll have several hours to myself on Saturday while DH golfs so thinking I'll bring my wheel!
tgknits says
10 years ago
I'm really enjoying your new podcast
CJKopec says
10 years ago
barknknit says
10 years ago
tgknits: Thank you! I'm having so much fun recording it! WE are a little late on this next one because poor Alicia has been having a tough time at work...hoping to record tonight but we'll see.
bellasocks says
10 years ago
findingjudi says
10 years ago
it will be good to have a break. You'll come back to your cute little girls renewed
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