Basil is
10 years ago
a waterbender from the Southern Water Tribe traveling North to see his parents' home tribe.
latest #29
10 years ago
just so happened to be also traveling north on horse.
10 years ago
is in disguise
Basil has
10 years ago
been hitchhiking on different forms of transportation but was currently on foot. It almost looks like he's in the middle of nowhere but he should reach a town eventually.
10 years ago
notices you and wonders why you'd be walking out here. "Oi!" he calls out curiously.
10 years ago
hears a shout from behind him and glances, seeing someone on a horse quickly catching up to him. It was strange considering not many travelled this way but he didn't think much about it. He looks up at the-
10 years ago
other questioningly as he wonders if something is wrong. "Hn? Can I help you?"
10 years ago
chuckles. "What are you doing out here?" It was more strange to see someone walk out here than anything else. It's not exactly the safest choice one would make.
Basil gives
10 years ago
a confused look, thinking it would be obvious. "I am hoping to make it to next town before sunset. After all it would be unwise to have to sleep in such a place." His hood suddenly starts moving and the-
10 years ago
head of a small koala otter pops out, recently awoken from the noise.
Belphegor asks
10 years ago
, "Why are you walking there? It's not a smart idea." He had his fair share of travelling to know that walking any where is bad. He blinks when the creature peaks out but makes no comment on that.
Basil gives
10 years ago
a sheepish smile at the comment. "Unfortunately I was not able to gain any other means of transportation there at this time and so..." He shrugs, indicating his current position.
10 years ago
hums at the other's gesture. He leans forward on his horse and smirks at the boy. "What's your name?" He's such a silly boy to go around with only a small creature.
Basil is
10 years ago
pretty good with handling himself. He eyes him suspiciously, wondering why the stranger has such an interest in him. He didn't seem overly friendly. "...Basil" He answers after a moment, thinking that revealing
10 years ago
his name wouldn't really matter much. "And might I know who you are?" He asks, assuming it was only fair.
10 years ago
tilts his chin up a bit obnoxiously. "Belphegor. That is my name." He smiles wide, his bangs tickling his cheeks as they sweep to the side.
10 years ago
frowns, thinking that the name sounded familiar, but he couldn't quite remember from where. He also couldn't help but find the other's smile a bit off-setting. "Well, if that's all, it was nice to meet you,-
10 years ago
but I really should continue to reach my destination before it gets dark." He takes a few forward.
10 years ago
quickly calls back to Basil before he actually walks away. "If you want, I can give you a ride there." He says, "I'm also on my way to the town for business." It would be a good idea.
10 years ago
stops, wondering if he should consider the idea. On the one hand, he could just be a friendly passerby offering aid. On the other...but then, his legs were starting to get tired. He sighs, looking back at-
10 years ago
him with a smile. "Would you really be willing to do that?"
10 years ago
ruffles the mane of his horse before shifting back on the horse. He showed that Basil will have plenty of space between the horse and him. "Sure, I don't see the harm," he smirks amused. "Do you?"
10 years ago
doesn't really have a retort to that. "I suppose not..." He answers, allowing him to pull him onto the horse, though a bit nervous at being so close to a stranger.
10 years ago
picks Basil up, practically dragging him up, between himself and the horse. "Ready?" Belphegor had his fair share of travelling to know that comfort is vital.
10 years ago
nods, pulling his travelling bag to the side so as not to press against him and his koala otter climbing to sit in front of him. He'll admit he was surprised to find himself sitting in front, but decided not-
10 years ago
to comment on it.
10 years ago
had Basil in front so he wouldn't fall off not entirely surprising. He set off, his horse walking leisurely to the town a ways down.
10 years ago
holds on tightly to the saddle as they travel. After some time though, the silence becomes a bit awkward. "So um..." He tries to break it. "You said you were travelling for business? What kind?" He asks before-
10 years ago
adding "Ah, but there's no need to answer if you prefer not to..."
10 years ago
smirks, "I'm something like a merchant," he reaches into his cloak and pulls out a small sack which he hands over to Basil to look inside. "I collect rare objects, like the stone inside this bag."
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