10 years ago
[more sad things] [mute] [but also happy things]
latest #8
10 years ago
My metaphorical heart is like heavy, but I think it's less because I'm really sad, and more because I haven't had any opportunity to process my emotions.
10 years ago
I have the ability to not feel things fully if I have other things to do. This is usually terrible because I have not known this to be the case in the past.
10 years ago
But I truly think I'm more ok with this situation than I was with other situations similar because the circumstances are really better.
10 years ago
Even still, I haven't given myself the opportunity to experience this fully... So it's weighing a bit.
10 years ago
I'm glad I recognize this to be the case. I can get through my finals and then really tackle this issue.
10 years ago
Whereas in the past, I didn't know that I was doing this and really normalized the heavyness in my throat and chest so that I could ignore it forever.
10 years ago
Well... "ignore" isn't the right word... "not recognize" would be better.
10 years ago
More happier news exists, but I have to go. Believe you me, though. [:-)]
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