Lashae Karsin
10 years ago
Is there any way (other than PS) to fix the "invisiprim" problem around hair?
latest #11
10 years ago
Try changing your hair base?
Lashae Karsin
10 years ago
It's the hair itself.... nothing extra I'm wearing :-(
10 years ago
the only other way would be to re-shoot at a different angle. Or not in front of other alpha items, like the tree branches
Dolly Baroque
10 years ago
it's because you have an alpha behind the hair in the trees.
Lashae Karsin
10 years ago
Yeah... :-( I know. I was just wondering if there was anyway to "fix" it without moving or changing hairs. I've always hated this problem.
10 years ago
My graphics card has settings to reduce or eliminate that so I never get it anymore.
Lashae Karsin
10 years ago
khayaleistone: So jealous. :-P
10 years ago
Hey, fork out $1200 and you can have such magic too. ^_^
10 years ago
Actually I'll be in debt for a couple of years on this thing. But sooooo worth it.
Lashae Karsin
10 years ago
Holy moly.... what kind of graphics card is it?
10 years ago
Oh that's not for the card alone, that's for the whole system. It's an Asus with Nvidia Geforce 745m card and Intel core i7 processor.
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