shares 10 years ago

This is our dog Luna.
A month back we signed her up for the Easter Beg hunt, which is like an easter egg hunt except that they sprinkle a field with dog treats and toys and you walk your dog out and pick them up.
'hunt' them, if you will.
shares 10 years ago

There were tons of other dogs there and also 'photo ops' with the Easter Bunny.
Also the fire department showed up for some reason? So there were all these fire trucks there.
she doesn't look very happy in that Easter Bunny hug XD
And everyone came there just in time for a huge storm to blow through and strand 100 people and dogs in a gazebo while wind whipped rain into our faces
shares 10 years ago
(that solid white in the background = wall of rain)
but anyhow you also get a prize for the best decorated easter basket.
Or now, the one that best survived the storm?
Knowing that I was in a community filled with older ladies with tons of time on their hands, I decided I didn't want to show up empty handed.
shares 10 years ago
So I threw together this monstrosity with Nella's help in about an hour this morning:
I burned myself badly enough with the hot glue to get blisters. x-x
So we do the hunt and we get lots of treats for out dog and we hang out in the gazebo trying not to drown
and then surreptitiously win the basket decorating contest and get a gift certificate to petsmart.
It was a strange day all told.
litenviol: She was terrified of the bunny. I felt like watching a little kid sitting on Santa's lap.
She enjoyed the hell out of the rest of it, though. It was a good chance to socialize her and get a ton of treats out of it.
And everyone was super-friendly.
speaking of socializing, she needs another date with her boyfraaaand
his leg is doing better buthe has a doctor's appt tomorrow
I think we might give him surgery
glad things went well overall!
Also dirge, you were totally taking videos when I said you were taking videos
congrats for wining! and ppff that bunny costume
Lylith: Thank you! does kind of look like its trying to eat her, doesn't it
I'm sure that's what /she/ thought. XD
that poor dog is rethinking her life choices
also your doggie is beautiful
She is a silly bean...half chihuahua and half australian shepard
she is so confused by her own sounds coming from this computer
I wondered if she was an aussie. xD
Hahaha she's so precious!
Aha that sounds like a fun day to me!
There are some other dog pics I can send you!
And the storm made it sort of more fun, I think.