brought on by recalling telling jack 'holy crap im K's age now'
remember furry dragon guy...
with all the epic tongue twister special snowflake names
i wonder if his BURNED BRIDGES message to us is still up on his website
i keep thinking holy crap he was MY AGE NOW like 10 years ago what a baby aeghetkjhf
the lion king is 20 years old...
What makes me feel old is on DA forums people being all 'this companion looks like they're thirty or something so they wont be a LI/romance option'
too old
that doesnt make me feel old, it makes me feel like those people are 13
too young to have caught on that 30 is now the new 20 in general
almost everybody is waiting until 30+ to get married or anything
I was watching a video the other day of small children trying to work out rotary phones
and they were being all 'how do you text on it'
ok even i havent seen a rotary phone

floppy disks were before my time too
I used to play games on floppy drives
cassette tapes were they too old for you I THINK I STILL HAVE SOME

button quails
I used to still have a VHS player a few years ago
MY RECORDINGS...............
hard disks and CDs and VHS fading
the matrix is 15 years old
i think i still have the original star wars trilogy on vhs but
oh man i still have my snes and my original cartridges of like
link to the past / secret of mana / etc
it's pretty funny at work, all the people who are like traditional/immigrants are like oh noooo im 30 i must get married soon
and all the americanzed people are like fuck that aaaa 30 is too young
What makes me feel old is that people born in the new millennium will be in hs this year
Also every time I imagine ten years ago and think it must be somewhere in the nineties
Or that time I was watching hollaback girl and the top YouTube comment was that the song helped them learn how to spell bananas
And you forget the song came out ten years ago instead of two
for me? pretty much talking to any of you guys.
except for like, the TWO PWOPLE on my timeline who are older than me.
you're not THAT much older than me
You are not older than me either, if your profile is correct
it autoupdates, i think, so it IS correct.
coffee still counts as gen y
(actually no, the cutoff is 1980, and i'm '83, so. technically not.)

get off my lawn