swordknits says
10 years ago
NEW PATTERN IS UP!!!! Check out these wicked cool socks!!! I love making these (no joke nor vanity nor pride) and they are my new vanilla socks!!! SO EASY!!! :-D Mystik Spiral Socks pattern by Josh Ryks
latest #10
swordknits says
10 years ago
CroJulee: thanks!!! :-D They are a BLAST to make and the yarn was SO fun to play with!! :-D
Hattie says
10 years ago
They look like fun! Unfortunately I have a super high instep and have to stick to socks with a good sized heel flap...
swordknits says
10 years ago
Hattie: well... the cool thing about the pattern is that once you do the short row bit, you can substitute any heel/gusset you need to! :-D
Hattie says
10 years ago
I'm not so talented at substituting lol, but mayyyybe I'll try it one of these days. I've got it in my queue anyway. I'm on a lace kick right now and several deadline knits so I can't really do much else atm!
Aesox says
10 years ago
that's a cool pattern!
barbn77 says
10 years ago
They look like a lot of fun (heart)
gipunkjenn says
10 years ago
Great job Mr. Designer! I can't wait to cast on!!
whatisaplunk says
10 years ago
ahhh wonderful congratulations!!
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