/whispers when you're not as tired
/whispers but make verbose posts
/whispers I will reblog you
/whispers because this fandom needs help
because it's full of idiot teenagers
hahaha oh god okay maybe when I'm not tired
I had a friend contact me about doing a presentation on LGBT+ stuff in the 18th century and it's just a downward spiral from there
Convince me the movies I saw are the same ones everyone else did because the tag makes me think I've lost my mind.
I'm really not sure I can do that
I'm good at bullshitting but I just don't think I'm that good
Have you read some of the stuff in the tag?
I'm going through it right now for some unknown reason
but hey if you've got anything in particular in mind please share the pain
Don't hurt yourself like that.
Well, beyond the Sparrowbeth (Hey, if anyone ships it, that's great. Still not canon sry2say.).
And ELIZABETH IS THE BEST PIRATE EVARRRR when. She's not really a pirate.
I find the lack of Hector extremely disturbing.
I just have a lot of issues with the tag. :|
oh yeah the extreme focus on Elizabeth
I mean I like her a lot more nowadays than I ever did before and given better character development at the end of AWE maybe she could have finally figured piracy out but
Like, I want to break down what the pirate king actually does.
Which is pretty much jack and squat outside of being able to declare war. Because, I mean, they're pirates. They're not going to go from being subject of one king to another.
They can't even get together for more than a few days without starting to kill each other, and somehow Elizabeth Swann will get them under control?
But no one has that kind of pull.
Well, except maybe Teague.
yes Teague has that pull and no one else and he mostly has it because he basically doesn't use it
if Teague threw his weight around all the time it would probably be a very different story
He doesn't abuse the respect he's earned.
Which is kind of a big deal? If that makes sense?
I guess it's just that, yes, Elizabeth got elected king. But she only got elected king because Jack needed to get on the Dutchman.
Like, you can watch that scene and tell when Jack is like, "YEP. THIS IS THE THING I AM GOING TO DO".
You can literally watch him put that plan together.
that is exactly what's happening! yes!
Hell, you can even see Hector put two and two together between then and the parlay.
I just.

So many layers, I love it.
one of the better parts of the movie for Jack, too
He was so off from the Locker on and that's where he started to get his groove back.
oh hey I found where people are editing Hiddleston's face onto PotC screencaps again
people need to just ssh no stop with that
potc fandom has enough problems without that
...oh god there's rumors Norrington will be back????
haha oh god I've gotten to the part of the tag that reminds me why I don't go in there time to stop
Yeah, as a ghost from what I've heard.
I'm okay with that being a thing just for the potential snark-off.
and if Norrington shows up my roommate will actually go see it with me, otherwise I've been told I'm stuck going to the theater for the rest of the series alone
but Norrington coming back and snarking with Hector would give me something concrete to look forward to
Tbf, I feel their pain. This was me after CotBP.
I was heartbroken there was going to be no more Barbossa.
oh yeah I'm right there with them I just still have Jack to cling to
or get dragged down with, depending on how you look at it
While he uses you as a stepping stone to save himself, lbr.