Rista1313 asks
10 years ago
Hey vendors... does anyone know where the bulk shipping is now that paypal has changed everything around?
latest #11
Rista1313 says
10 years ago
boutrosbabe: Feeling quite lost... I don't see more in the lower left of any page, nor do I see tools?
Rista1313 says
10 years ago
boutrosbabe: It looks similar, but not quite. I thought mine was a business account, but perhaps it's not!
Rista1313 says
10 years ago
boutrosbabe: I can go back to the old version for now to find it... or there is a back door by doing a search on "shipping"
Rista1313 says
10 years ago
boutrosbabe: Thanks... I ended up switching back.. I don't want to.. I'd rather have new and fancy.. but I need my multi shipping!
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