been reading some magazines.
wonders 10 years ago
what happened to the old one...?
it's still good, just old (1 year old).
thinks 10 years ago
master can be a bit spoiled sometimes.
it is no harm to have a(nother) backup plane!
sighs, as they already barely use the other back-up one they hath.
find a use with it. He would like to practice flying sometimes.
never actually learned to fly. He wonders what the starting age for that is. not sure either. He had stolen some rides when he was incredulously young, perhaps around Tsuna's age...
sweat drops. Master actually did that? Well, twas not really surprising actually.
if Ninth still remembers - though it would not be a pleasant memory for the old man.
wonders 10 years ago
if it is actually a pleasant memory or a traumatizing one.