cym thinks
15 years ago
when it rains it poors. Finished beta of a Todoist Outlook Task importer and coded a semi-working Blackberry Plurk app. (woot)
latest #18
NetHead says
15 years ago
cym says
15 years ago
thanks for the encouragement :-)
NetHead says
15 years ago
spreading the Word to follow you :-)
cym says
15 years ago
awesome thanks O'nethead! That gives me the motivation I need to kick some Java ass. :-)
NetHead says
15 years ago smack that java :-)
15 years ago
(worship) ... btw, if you're up for a little input, I've been working on some ideas for a BB plurk app, but I don't know that java part yet
15 years ago
also been working on documenting the Plurk interface (slow going, but it's getting some traction)... if it helps
15 years ago
still rather incomplete yet
cym says
15 years ago
Hi Skraggy, I'm always interested in ideas tho I'm focusing on the basics. Have you seen the api from:
cym says
15 years ago
I would like to hear any ideas or api code you have.
skraggy says
15 years ago
yea... I'm "biggorilla" on that api project and had added a few of the functions in that code.
skraggy says
15 years ago goes beyond what's in that php api, and is meant to document everything plurk has available so a more complete API can be
15 years ago
skraggy says
15 years ago
once I finish documentation I may go back an update rlplurkapi since Ryan now works for Plurk and has left that project.
cym says
15 years ago
o I didn't realize Plurk actually had paid workers. Thought it was more of a personal project type thing.
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