though i figured bouncer heads were rounder and that's where it came from...
and washington is kind of... blocky
(p.s. do you want a big sister tag to wash's dream post or would you rather walk into Rapture just out of curiosity ºuº)
(and omg I would be totally fine with either! did you have a preference?)
(not really! I just don't want to take you up in too many threads at once, y'know? XD)
you got any other names? I guess if he introduces himself as washington she might. Make a nickname out of that
or do the kid thing and go 'washington is a silly name you're mr blocky'
(oh pshhh I don't mind having a bunch of threads with you at all! uvu )
uhmmm omg I'm really bad at this sort of thing tbh. but washy or mr blocky both sound good to me!
i think i know which one im going to go with and the logic behind it will be grand
that's your new name other mr b
oh my god I'm so excited to hear the logic behind it
he's going to be so confused by the name though, too
ahhhh I'm just excited for this thread overall

DD im excited too
i think i will tag into washington's post with adult traveler because idk maximum embarrassment
also weird dream logic will have her swimming around in space because to her the stars remind her of deep sea creatures and their biolumenesence
more importantly though hee hee hee she grabbed your codpiece
lmao oh my god yes please do
it'll be so weird and awkward and ridiculously silly
I think they totally need more of that
i tried to think of an embarrassing moment for traveler in case that came up but I think in her case it's going to be one of those things that's horrific to everyone else
like 'one time i stabbed someone so hard i got my needlespear stuck in the wall. all the girls laughed at me, gosh'
' "the wall doesn't have ADAM, the wall isn't an angel!" i know that! i know that...' /covers face
omfg I think that's what makes it more hilarious though. those of us writing, anyway. maybe less to the characters themselves but still
I think it's adorkable
'everyone kept telling me to look out for wall-angels u g h'
'they wouldn't let up for weeks, to this day I stay at least five feet away from a wall at all times'
'that's why i hold bad men above me when I stab them now'
'no pinning them like blue butterflies anymore'