Especially when my mom walked in and went, "Hey... What are you doing? People eat cereal with spoons." to which I had to explain the whole eating cereal with forks and doing homework in the dark thing.
As are you! /fistbumps back. Mom was all "Huh. He sounds like a punk." to which I burst out laughing even harder because I remembered eternalferret calling Nora a little maniac.
I posted this actual plurk somewhere else to, and was shocked when someone that I just kinda casually know said, "OMG Pump Up the Volume! Mark is so cool!" and I did one of those double-takes you must do a lot.
You know, I haven't, but I've heard good things. Henry Fool is fantastic, and I have online links for that and its sequel, but you def. need a sighted friend who doesn't mind strange indie movies