plurk pings plz
10 years ago
Shingeki's, are we going to go with believing plastic is a thing in universe or no?
latest #15
plurk pings plz
10 years ago
I don't recall any use of it, but we use plastic in so much these days that I can't say I'd even have caught it if we did
student loans
10 years ago
i'd say no
al (moving)
10 years ago
i don't think it's a thing?
plurk pings plz
10 years ago
Yeah, I'm inclined to think it isn't present, with how much you'd have to do for manufacturing and waste control
plurk pings plz
10 years ago
Okay good so I can ask the same thing hahah thank you!
The Slickest
10 years ago
The Slickest
10 years ago
I never thought about that
plurk pings plz
10 years ago
Things ubiquitous in our own world, but not so in others... particularly ones with strange technology collectives (thanks king)
al (moving)
10 years ago
the 'does this exist in snk' game never ends
plurk pings plz
10 years ago
I love this game have I said that lately
plurk pings plz
10 years ago
It makes every IC conversation a goldmine
yeah no plastic is definitely not a thing
it's derived from petroleum which I don't think is very prevalent at all in SnK world
plurk pings plz
10 years ago
yeah, we have no indication it's around (at least in the walls) and it's not something that seems likely outside of them
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