Hey J-J-Jayded
11 years ago
Zone Plot approved! I will have to decide on dates for things.
latest #13
Hey J-J-Jayded
11 years ago
And an OOC post too.
Hey J-J-Jayded
11 years ago
And Strelok's canon update was approved too. /dance dnace
TheApostate ™
11 years ago
Yeup! \o/
TheApostate ™
11 years ago
Let me know when you have dates for the plot and I can put it on the calendar. ^^
Hey J-J-Jayded
11 years ago
Sure thing! ^_^ I'm looking at the last two weeks of April atm, so we aren't going from mod plot right into this without a short break.
TheApostate ™
11 years ago
TheApostate ™
11 years ago
dreamphoenix: Oh, oh no. Really?
TheApostate ™
11 years ago
Oh man, yeah, I'll spread the word.
11 years ago
Jayde, I'm going to miss you so much, forever.
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