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10 years ago
( intro plurk ) for the sake of rounding myself out a bit --!
latest #60
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10 years ago
More of an exit plurk for , but I have and did play Collette from Animorphs there since July 2012. (sobs)
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10 years ago
I play AU!Barbara Wilson (as a Mentor for D9) in
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10 years ago
And in and Luceti, I play Annie Leonhart, who is... the newest character I have on roster!
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10 years ago
I used to play heavily from the Naruto fandom back a few years ago, sometimes I still do stints (sparingly).
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10 years ago
I tend to have a problem with tl;dr, you can ask anyone I write with regularly - and I love doing fake/joke tags, from the gambit of gag gifs to suddenly porn!!!
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10 years ago
(suddenly porn only with those i know will laugh or otherwise not mind, gifs or random phrases to just about anyone when I'm in a silly mood)
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10 years ago
For some unknown reason I'm playing a bunch of blondes? Which is different from usual for me, and more funny for me to notice than anything else.
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10 years ago
I work as a secretary and you will probably never hear me talk about work except to state "aah I am tired" or "aah man late shifts" because it is primarily boring (so I believe)
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10 years ago
(I'm the secretary for an Advice Nurse Unit in California, which really means I'm the Jack of All Trades of my office)
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10 years ago
I love love love reading books, I enjoy talking fandom with friends, and my fandoms are more peripheral involvements than mainstream
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10 years ago
AoT is a weird one for me because a friend has tricked me into the Kink Meme and I'm mostly filling things there on ocassion in protest to the fandom as a whole
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10 years ago
... which may or may not be doing it wrong, but so far, folks seem to be laughing and/or enjoying themselves, and that's always good.
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10 years ago
I have two cats that I also basically never talk about, who are named Phineas and Dragon (boy and girl respectively). Also two rats! Sasha and Connie.
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10 years ago
Both female, both black sweethearts, both incurable for wanting to pee on things I wish they wouldn't, but so it goes with the rat life.
10 years ago
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10 years ago
I'm getting back into volunteering after a long stint where I hadn't been able to, but... this is really more of my roleplay focus area, so it's unlikely much of this will be mentioned here
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10 years ago
hahahsd still love that scene in the anime and manga, jsyk
oh working with nurses
10 years ago
lolol excellent it's a classic
10 years ago
But yes this is interesting stuff
10 years ago
You've come to the right place for gagtags
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10 years ago
Hahaha you're really sweet to say so!
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10 years ago
Yes I really really love my nurses? They are amazing, wonderful, intelligent people who basically make the world bright and amazing and work their butts off to help people even from our office
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10 years ago
My constant inspiration to get back into school myself (though not for nursing, I respect the work they've all done so much and I know it's not where my head's at)
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10 years ago
Oh good gagtag central is my favorite place
10 years ago
joke tags are the actual best
10 years ago
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10 years ago
They really are it just makes me smile when I get them so I like to think I can spread some ridiculous cheer around by giving them out too
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10 years ago
Also I'm a very silly person and roleplayer, and I love doing all kinds of plots and character explorations and also love sticking characters outside their comfort zones
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10 years ago
Plus I'm a terrible person (ask anyone I've played with before, they all know, pretty much)
10 years ago
ooh, what do you volunteer forf?
10 years ago
strongly approve of being terrible too
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10 years ago
My longer term stints (of years) are generally in various animal related volunteer positions, along with doing marathons and working with volunteer meal events and awareness for cancer (general and specific)
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10 years ago
My job these days is to collect all the most relevant and up to date information to help my nurses get patients the best, most relevant, most helpful information
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10 years ago
so I'm looking forward to being able to work with and help out the animal community again? hopefully looking at doing some educational work with animals too
10 years ago
10 years ago
oh, awesome! Volunteering with animals is super great, in whatever capacity you do it in
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10 years ago
I've always found it really rewarding. I'm getting into a program that does therapy riding for the differently abled, too, and I'm super psyched about it
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10 years ago
It's basically two things I love coming together, giving folks a chance to experience something outside their norm and bonding with horses, and, well, getting to be around horses
10 years ago
ooh that sounds like a wonderful program! I've volunteered with animals before but mine mostly consisted of mucking out animal cages ;-)
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10 years ago
Hahaha yeah, that's most of mine too! And dealing with medications and the like, also rehabilitation to different degrees
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10 years ago
I also worked in a pet store with many many live animals for about a year and a half before I moved into the Bay Area, so picking up poo and vomit and ... dealing with blood and pus and fishtanks and snake feed
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10 years ago
*feedings is all part of life's general experiences
10 years ago
Especially if you work with nurses as well!
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10 years ago
Falling sideways into the healthcare industry...! Yeah, support for nurses and practioners (FNPs and MDs and the like)
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10 years ago
as a random sidenote i love how everyone's just chilled with annie's username considering i chose it because i was apping her into at the time and sleeping beauty...
10 years ago
..................I understand so much now omg
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10 years ago
context really helps with that one i realize belatedly hahaha otherwise it's............special
10 years ago
I thought it was a reference to that ring she used to cut herself and trigger her transformation
10 years ago
it is
10 years ago
(sup I don't even go here but yeah)
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10 years ago
oh it totally is! double reference, twice the win!!! (no im a loser thats all)
asuka brain
10 years ago
i can attest to the fact that she is very silly
lmao you're so cute you will fit right in with luceti omg
tl;dr and gag tags and everything
also I used to volunteer at an animal shelter and I miss that a lot
10 years ago
Wow I never woulda seen all that stuff at the top if I hadn't seen the part about the animal shelter and squinted at you from afar . I saw that.
10 years ago
Incidentally still counts. Anyway ish is okay I guess you guys might like her maybe.
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10 years ago
hahaha Stefan you have unfortunate first had experience
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10 years ago
yeah, animal shelter work is both good and bad for their heart
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