Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
Oldest muse and newest muse... (aha)
latest #8
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
Oldest that I've played in games: Barricade
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
Oldest that I've played in blog-only format: The Torn Prince
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
(he was my first muse on Sages of Chaos back in... '05 or '06)
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
Old that I've EVER played: a horrible Mary Sue called Charza Quinn
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
who was a podracing Dug Jedi that was raised by Tuskan Raiders
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
Newest muse is I think a tossup between Knifehead and The Engineer from A Machine For Pigs.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
KH only wins out because I've actually PLAYED him.
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