water Lantern
10 years ago
I need a tutor on Git...
latest #15
10 years ago
How about a nice guy in denim overalls
[Linux.conf.au 2013] - Git For Ages 4 And Up
10 years ago
hmmm why r u using git? XD
water Lantern
10 years ago
one of the courses i am taking ....thinks that it's an "in" thing for people who work with team to use git for version control.... our team believes it is a bit overrated ...or our learning ability is overrated
water Lantern
10 years ago
Thanks Tim, I will look into that
10 years ago
rcanjino: woww 這麼時髦啊~~ XD 太厲害了! Personally I think git is pretty good, the way it allows multiple people to work on a single item independently of each other but have an easy way to merge & track those changes
water Lantern
10 years ago
really... okay then we are just too dumb to know how to exploit the benefit...
10 years ago
there is a learning curve tho and will take some time to get used to. Try Git (u guys can try out github too, it provides a UI that simplifies most of the actions
10 years ago
eVITAERC: for ages 4 and up XDDD 而且居然還有道具!
water Lantern
10 years ago
we are using github. and mostly push from R project I suppose... that's what the only tiny thing I know of... but I always have trouble when I reopen R.
10 years ago
I think R Studio now integrates with Git, it's a good thing to learn I think so you don't lose out to the kids in a few years XD
water Lantern
10 years ago
ok. I will learn it with tears later :'-| 3 midterms in few days..
10 years ago
actually if you're using Github only, I highly recommend juts downloading their client and using that, it's MUCH MUCH easier than using "the real Git"
10 years ago
v_vlll: Those toys are a scary accurate representation of Git blobs D:
water Lantern
10 years ago
I use git bash to push hmm.. still not sure what is the real git or nor
10 years ago
it is, which is why it's so painful lol
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