Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
I'm going to sit here and type about author's intent for a bit. Because I feel like it.
latest #31
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
Many moons ago in 2004, I realized something: I hate literary analysis.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
I truly hate it.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
I don't like reading into books in that way. I don't enjoy finding symbolism in a flower that is mentioned in two chapters of a 14-chapter book.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
And that year I decided that (if I were capable) I would write the Next Great American Novel. It would be read in all the schools.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
And it would mean nothing.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
I would make sure everyone everywhere knew that I did not write any symbolism into it. That there was nothing to take out of it. That it simply was.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
And then sometime later, South Park did just that.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
Yes. I DID say South Park.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
They did an episode called The Tale of Scrottie McBoogerBalls (which I am probably spelling wrong).
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
And it was my plan. My WHOLE PLAN. On my TV screen.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
They wrote a novel to be the grossest piece of fiction ever conceived. And EVERYONE read a meaning into it. Pro-Life. Pro-Choice. Pro-Government. Anti-Government.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
And it said what I always thought.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
What if these writers we analyze to death weren't trying to write symbolism at all?
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
What if they were just writing because they enjoyed it
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
or because they had a story in their head that they HAD to get out before it consumed them?
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
And the thing is. That goes for everything. Not just books.
10 years ago
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
Yes, that. That exactly.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
And it goes for TV and film and everything else we consume. Because people analyze the hell out of things.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
Sometimes horrible things happen to characters not because the author/director/artist wanted to express a universal truth. They just hate that character.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
Sometimes good things happen to character not because of symbolism, but because the creator knows everyone else hates them.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
And unless we can ask the creator what they meant (which in the case of a lot of them is completely impossible right now) we can't. Really know. Can we?
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
I can have a feeling that Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote The Scarlet Letter from a place of hate and loathing, but I'll never know.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
And I can read a biblical narrative into Tron: Legacy all I want but unless I ask the writer and director I have zero foundation for that.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
And yes, this whole thing pretty much came from me re-watching that episode of South Park and going I MUST TELL THIS TALE.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
Which has lasted about 25 comments so I will stop with my beefy comments now.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
Yep, pretty much that.
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
Where were these infographics when I was a junior in high school, they would have been a great comfort.
Cookie Politics
10 years ago
well StW started in 2008, so :|a
Hey J-J-Jayded
10 years ago
4 years off then X3
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