I know I'm scary, come on, go ahead and admit it.
You're basically a goober
I thought you were cute and thus I was intimidated by you but otherwise no not really, you're not an intimidating person
Lmao I think you could be four hundred pounds of pure unadulterated protein and you still probably wouldn't be intimidating.
LIKE I HAVE A LOT OF PROBLEMS WITH DUDES IN GENERAL but you're very good at making people feel comfortable
and that is crazy because like I normally am kinda reserved with guys/don't tend to get too close/generally feel awk
And I didn't get the "OH GOD. IT'S A GUY " thing that I usually get with you at all
Yeah what Em said, more or less
you have a very similar sense of humor to me and that is my go-to connecting point with people, so it was a pretty much instantaneous I LIKE HIM
the first time i was made aware of you was vicki showing me the picture of you rubbing your nipples while getting into koujaku cosplay
since we were sharing a room for AX before I met you and I had a niggling worry about it
Oh is THAT what that feeling is? Like when you're like "OH, they're cute" but it isn't exactly intimidation? It's just like, wonder at what they're like?
I'm glad I drop concerns when people first meet me! I guess I play myself simple so that I don't get misunderstood?
I think it comes down to enthusiasm, for me at least
sarcasm is fun and dandy sometimes, but idk, earnest enthusiasm is important
I'm really glad that rooming situation worked out at AX, Em. Oh yeah, I know the feeling. My enthusiasm is at an all time high at cons it's ridiculous
yeah, you're a very expressive person and it makes you easier to talk to somehow
Like I remember the first few times we hung out you just seemed so JUICED ABOUT EVERYTHING and it was really refreshing
sakura_ouji: Me too! I trusted it would, because Li assured me, but yeah the worry was nonexistent once I actually met you
well not everything, but you know, you're a ~man of passion~ and stuff
Hahaha, I'm kind of used to being around people completely drained expression-wise in the past. So I kind of got used to making up for it since it used to make me uncomfortable
Not that anyone here is like that! I mean, it's like taking off weights now, really.
Oh, of course! It's just really nice to see people so stoked about things they love.
I can't ever remember being intimidated since my inpression immediately went from "seems cool/really personable" to "holy hell super hilarious A++ would hang with again"
You've successfully graduated the school of getting along, possibly a valedictorian
I can graduate from the school of getting along, Professor? Does that mean I'm on to friendship college?
I'll get a PHD in Retrodynamics and be certified to steal your identity!
You can do it kid, you have a bright future and ID theft career ahead of you
Retrodynamics sounds like an actual major can I really tell people that

you gave off really friendly vibes right away
Ah, that's good. The feeling was similar, Tam!
Yeah retrodynamics sounds so engineery, people would be impressed if they weren't in the know
I'm just going to say my major in college was Retrodynamics with a double minor in kinetics and synthetics.
Or maybe my minor should just be punching people in the face
Immafuckyouupology is a fast growing field