10 years ago
bumi ini berisi dengan orang-orang asing, kita asing, aku asing, semuanya adalah asing, bahkan dengan orang yang benar2 sedarah dengan kita... yang tidak asing hanyalah diri sndiri, krn ia satu kesatuan
10 years ago
that's what i get when i see "bapak terhormat satunya" update status serentetan kalimat... i want to comment with this sentence but i know... i've different perception oyeaahhh... *kasihketekkinclong
10 years ago
when you have a different perception, there should be two reason: first, they agree with you, and you are saved; second, they will hate you much, and you feel like dying
10 years ago
okay, i'm a coward one... but this pict make me feel still on the "right-side"