Make a list of your favorite words or ask followers to send you their favorite words and read them off one after the other?
Anything's fine, I've been fishing around for stuff I think would work with my voice, but stuff that doesn't work could prove funny too. Just nothing too long since I don't want recordings getting too long!
idk if it's just me but I find long lists of random words amusing
So just a single word each?
yep, maybe with a little different flourish on each one
I would say moist most seriously! Yes.
give it that slightly salacious edge
D-do I need to start doing commissioned suggestive recordings, or is that after I've established myself?
Phantasmagoric, verdant, coquettish
Ah....maybe talk about influences?
or even just little reviews about stuff you're reading/watching/playing
Oh yeah, I have a lot of those... I mean there's the obvious voice actors and then a bunch of people I've grown up with.
I could do a review on voice acting in games I've played recently too, that's applicable.
oh yeah! have you played any good games lately?
stuff like that.
Yeah just play into your strengths and interests. Not a lot of people know about sound design and voice direction and the like.
influences would be really nice
reviews are always good to listen to!
there's also a few memes that float around that are like, "dialect memes"? like how you pronounce "aunt" or whether you call them sneakers/tennis shoes
Oh yeah I should practice dialects like Pittsburghese!
lmao oh my god I would love to see you try
siddawn, get a can of pop n' at an see you rilly try yer damnedest
Oh man change of plans just write me a script in Pittsburghese
You should just write a simple introduction that you ask your followers to translate into their local dialect and see how you fare speaking them all haha
I'd be just awful-- I'm so bad at holding accents
That just makes it better
I'll live up to my Katsucon 2014 Retrodynamics badge and learn her native tongue
I knew it, you are trying to steal my identity. You fiend.
It will all be mine, powers so divine
woll you'll hafta try harder than that if yinz want to rilly live up to my name.
I hope you at least have the decency to add rockets to my robo double
Hell yeah. And wrestling boots and butt guns
Booty got me like "AUGHHHH WHY DID YOU SHOOT ME"
Why doesn't aigis have butt guns
This is a shadow asks related question
that's a good question. By arena she has those giant hammer space guns so...there's really nothing to prove that she doesn't have butt guns
Dedicate your next recording to famous butt guns in media
I can talk about butt guns in Pittsburghese for 2.5 minutes
I can guarantee that you would be the first person to ever do so
you gotta time that for when your followers are used to you giving advice or talking about personal inspirations/passions then just hit them with a single bizarre recording of butt guns in a weird accent
And now for something completely different
At some point when I actually learn the intricacies to your accent, I'll try typing in it, but alas
if you wanna cheat a little there's a translator for until you lean the ins and ahts
I've lived here all my life and I think all I've really picked up is warsh and garage
also apparently crik is pittsburghese?
Yeah, crik, nebby, jaggoff, jagger bushes....gumbands. I never realized that wasn't just general american slang until I talked to people from other places and they just "????" at me
You Pittsburgh people are serious, oh my god
Our silly words and football is all we have to keep us sane
My car fell into a crik, could yinzes help a guy aht?
Oh wait my friend has told me about Jagger Bushes before
They stick to you and stuff
other people don't call them jagger bushes?!?!?!
Yeah I think Jagger is just thorn
though I keep reading that as Jeager
too much attack on titan going on
would yinz quit jaggin' around already
Got moves like Mick Thorn
Could you call someone a Jagger like you call someone a Prick?
Oh no, you call them a jaggoff instead. they can be jagging around or be jaggoffs, but I've never heard just jaggers. (and it's not to be confused with jack off!)
It's basically just a generic substitute for "idiot" "asshole" "dumbass" so you can use it in lots of contexts
Whoa, I need to be careful
I should record my brother doing his attempt at pittsburghese
I don't want to be caught jagging off!
enjoy all the pittsburghese you can handle
It doesn't sound as overwhelmingly different as I thought, although it has some country twang to it
yeah it's a little midwestern but it's not really that noticeable except in some exceptions where they sound more....Brooklyn-y?
Yeah, when I first saw you write it out it sounded Brooklyn-like
It's certain specific words that get changed, but otherwise it isn't too much!
I'll listen to more, it's good research
It's really short, but oh so fucking good and very "don't mess with cats"
Since Lovecraft LOVED cats.