TurtlePurl says
10 years ago
Oh boy I've got a new addiction. I've started playing tiny sheep! It's so cute and zen and relaxing. Except when the wolf comes which is terrifying!
browneyesyp says
10 years ago
is that an app for the iphone? Are you still playing simpson's? Could you tell me how everyone is getting the character balloons?
browneyesyp says
10 years ago
Sounds silly, but I really want to get some and no where I've looked says how to get them.
TurtlePurl says
10 years ago
I am still playing Simpsons but I think the balloons are limited time things during certain events. I think the last time was thanksgiving. Should come again sometime!
TurtlePurl says
10 years ago
Tiny sheep is for iOS and Facebook I think.
browneyesyp says
10 years ago
thank you