milobo says
15 years ago
Thinking of applying for a Charter school K-8 tech teacher job in Colorado. Anyone who can share info on Charter schools?
latest #22
milobo says
15 years ago
I've taught in public schools and Catholic schools, but never Charter. What should I know before I apply?
lfeld52 says
15 years ago
sorry...I'm public...wish I could help!
lfeld52 says
15 years ago
why Colorado?
GingerLewman says
15 years ago
charter schools are different in every state. You should ask about how Colorado administers and funds them. You should also ask about
GingerLewman says
15 years ago
how their teachers are licensed--how many are on waivers or teaching out-of-license. See what their academic emphasis is for their school.
GingerLewman says
15 years ago
see if they're working for primarily remedial purposes, global studies, Math/Sci, Arts, PBL, or gen ed traditional studies?
GingerLewman says
15 years ago
I really like how KS does it, but admittedly know very little about other schools. Ask how they recruit students.
milobo says
15 years ago
All good Q's GingerTPLC - I'm starting to do my homework now on the school but know nothing about Charter schools
milobo says
15 years ago
Academic emphasis is Science and Liberal Arts at the school.
milobo says
15 years ago
Their salary schedule is not online, which makes it hard to know what they're expecting.
milobo says
15 years ago
I taught K-8 computer for 11 years, so I feel I have the experience, but don't know if there's something extra that charters are looking for
milobo says
15 years ago
lori - Colorado because we've always wanted to live near the mountains and hiking - FL beach life isn't really our style
GingerLewman says
15 years ago
milobo: They may not be looking for something deeper; Sci/LibArts sounds pretty traditional, but don't assume. Are they a local charter or
GingerLewman says
15 years ago
one of the big national companies with a branch you're looking at?
mhobkirk says
15 years ago
what charter school is it? and what district, I might be able to find some insider info
mhobkirk says
15 years ago
Most charter schools in CO will pay much less than the public school districts
milobo says
15 years ago
School is Flagstaff Academy. Asked budtheteacher if he had heard of it, but he had no info to share.
milobo says
15 years ago They use the Core Knowledge curriculum, which I'm familiar with, but have never taught under.
milobo says
15 years ago
Doesn't sound like they're a national charter.
mhobkirk says
15 years ago
I will get back to you on this, maybe tomorrow, one of my co-workers is on the BOE in that district, he should know plenty about them.
milobo says
15 years ago
Thanks, Mari! I'm looking in the area for a ProfDev, Tech, or teaching job for next year. Applied for one job in St. Vrain. Waiting to hear.
mhobkirk says
15 years ago
Pretty sure the Flatiron Academy is in St Vrain also - that's where coworker is on BOE
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