The Emperor
10 years ago
I just hit 200 followers on tumblr! Should I do some sort of giveaway or special?
latest #84
The Emperor
10 years ago
I was trying to brainstorm something funny to do, but I could just wait for another number
The Emperor
10 years ago
A lot of artists do art, right? so I could try something else like audio or pictures or something
10 years ago
Oh you should!! That's awesome!!
10 years ago
You could buy a random follower dinner?
10 years ago
That's what I've seen people do. Like, buy them a pizza on grub hub or something
10 years ago
It's cute and not too expensive and won't get you a ton of people following you for the express purpose of winning something
The Emperor
10 years ago
Oh yeah, they send followers pizza from where ever I've heard of that
10 years ago
Or a cosplay thing if you have anything you want to get rid of!
10 years ago
10 years ago
I second em's idea! pizza or other takeout on grubhub is a really cute giveaway
10 years ago
Ego it up and give away signed headshots
The ☆ Star
10 years ago
heck yeah pizza is great
The Emperor
10 years ago
Signed pizza in the shape of my headshot
The Emperor
10 years ago
But I'll try that tonight then! Thanks
The Emperor
10 years ago
I contemplated sending lapdances through the mail, but the shipping cost would probably be a bit much
10 years ago
fitting you in a box would be kind of hard on you too
10 years ago
Well if they're ok with it not being you giving the lap dance you can always call up some dancers in their area to send to the winners house
The ☆ Star
10 years ago
it could be part of his training to endure the box
10 years ago
Nothing says "thank you for reading my blog" quite as well as sending a stripper straight to someone's door
The Emperor
10 years ago
I really hope you all enter to win if it's ever lapdances. I don't want to ship overseas
The Emperor
10 years ago
Or I could send a video of me attempting what I think is a lapdance
10 years ago
i never got my hospital lapdance, i'm just going to keep accruing your lap dance debt like some sort of
The Emperor
10 years ago
Does every area in the world have strippers? I never thought about that
10 years ago
lap dance collector
10 years ago
i will grow fat off your lap debt
The Emperor
10 years ago
You should invest it in the lapdance stock market
The Emperor
10 years ago
If I ever get popular you'll have a lot of gain
10 years ago
200 followers kevin, you're already popular
10 years ago
i am reaping the investment rewards left and right
10 years ago
gonna buy a summer home with the dividends off your gyrations
The Emperor
10 years ago
I am truly an anime character if you can profit off of me that way
10 years ago
Put your kids through college on all this lap dance money
The Emperor
10 years ago
Em are you gonna be my agent
The Emperor
10 years ago
What's my cut
10 years ago
10 years ago
spend it wisely
10 years ago
i'll hold onto the rest for you in this giant hummer i just bought completely unrelatedly
The Emperor
10 years ago
I'm a protein starved artist
laughing at "training to endure the box"
The ♥ Lovers
10 years ago
jfc you get so many anons for having 200 followers ARE MY FOLLOWERS ALL DEAD OR SOMETHING
The ♥ Lovers
10 years ago
Not to sound butthurt it's a genuine question
The ♥ Lovers
10 years ago
it's okay i never get anons and i have a significantly large amount of followers
The ♥ Lovers
10 years ago
haha yeah I have 1200 and they're practically absent x.x
i think it just depends on how personal/approachable you are on your blog??
The ♥ Lovers
10 years ago
touché. I'm not that personal on my Tumblr so
i have over 2k and no one ever talks to me, but i'm 90% just art
The Emperor
10 years ago
Well to be fair I'd bet my protein money that most of my anons are the same couple people, but I guess I'll never know...
10 years ago
Anons are strange. I get a lot, but I also hit 6000 recently and I've been 'talking' more. When I don't talk, I barely get any that are actually relavent
10 years ago
I think if you talk more or do more memes or are more 'approachable', you tend to get more. But tbh I have no idea
10 years ago
tumblr is weird
The Emperor
10 years ago
That makes sense though, since some of the only original posts I make are semi-personal blogging. I'll get less general followers but the ones that do follow me feel okay with anon asks and comments?
yeah to me it just depends on how open you are on your blog
10 years ago
Yeah! Like, it's more personal
i'm too shy to post a lot of personal stuff so i refrain from doing so (on tumblr at least; on plurk and twitter i wreak havoc on everything)
so rarely do i get anyone talking to me, and when i do its always art/convention related
on twitter though where i talk about anything and everything i get a lot of strangers who follow me replying to my tweets
The Emperor
10 years ago
Tricks of the trade for internet blogging, huh. I hadn't really ever though much about it until recently
10 years ago
You're also just a big sweetie kevin it comes through really strong
10 years ago
ultimate trick of the blogging trae
10 years ago
trade, even
10 years ago
be as approachable as a puppy
The ♥ Lovers
10 years ago
Word ^
The Emperor
10 years ago
I've always wanted to have more of a "thing" for my tumblr, but I never really figured out what it would be
The Emperor
10 years ago
Like waaaay back when when I tried to do that Narukami's Lunch Box cooking blog thing
The Emperor
10 years ago
and when I first posted about wanting to do audio stuff on there
10 years ago
Like a hook?
10 years ago
Audio stuff would be really cool. That's a big passion for you, right?
10 years ago
There are some awesome voice actor blogs out there
The Emperor
10 years ago
That's true, I wonder if it would go over well with who currently follows me, but I doubt it's a big enough population to make a big difference
The Emperor
10 years ago
I really want to post audio stuff! For now it won't be the same quality as a lot of my older things, but I might start doing daily audio recordings to just keep myself engaged.
10 years ago
Well, would you enjoy it?
10 years ago
I think that's the most important thing in any blogging platform
10 years ago
be enthusiastically, energetically, and unapologetically genuine about what you post and like
10 years ago
It's a very Field of Dreams sort of thing
10 years ago
if you post it, they will come
10 years ago
you might lose a few, but more will come, because it's interesting
The Emperor
10 years ago
yay I posted a giveaway! Everyone fight to the death for pizza!
The Emperor
10 years ago
I forgot how many people flock to hit follow when you do a giveaway like this... I wonder how many of them are only in it for the pizza
The ♥ Lovers
10 years ago
Meanwhile my Homestuck giveaway gets thousands of notes and my pizza one got like
The ♥ Lovers
10 years ago
The Emperor
10 years ago
Like half of the notes on mine so far are actual followers and friends and the other half is like... a bunch of people from RP blogs that just followed me, probably because they smelled free food.
The Emperor
10 years ago
Oh well, not my problem if the drawing is biased since I'm the one that announces the winner.
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